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  1. Problems with double side printing

    also if it is black coverage check to see if the lights are set too hot.
  2. Masking glass for sandblasting

    I do know that a lot of folks buy a rubber mat-like material for their cutters that is used for sandblasting. (I have serviced a lot of cutters this heavier stuff takes its toll over time) but, many shops I have talked to just use plain ol Avery for sandblast frosting or etching.
  3. printer choice

    hmmm. I think you are right. I have never replaced my cutting strip, so you are probably correct.
  4. printer choice

    The Summa Cutters Perf cut. I have done thousands of stickers on my Summa 160T (T=tangential) . In my experience Summa makes the highest quality vinyl cutter in the industry. Just IMHO :smile:
  5. Universal Sign Logo

    Puttin the cart before the Horse© Shouldn't you have an association, confederation, organization or some kind of -tion before you make the logo? -Just askin... Cause without it....well it kinda looks like you are trying to put one over on your customers.
  6. Problems with double side printing

    see through, or an "emboss" of the reverse image?
  7. Walmart............

    Welcome to the Mosh Pit :ROFLMAO:
  8. Much Fun Happy Ink Making Powerful

    if you are happy much fun! trying for here! engrish.com
  9. Much Fun Happy Ink Making Powerful

    http://www.epson.jp/products/colorio/tsuyoink/ much enjoy!
  10. printer choice

    If you have the room get a printer and cutter separate. It will really speed things up in your shop If you have a dealer nearby, go see the Epson GS6000 for yourself....better take a comparison file with you for them to print out.
  11. Ink "Not Original"?

    just a new card would do it.
  12. Ink "Not Original"?

    When I deal with these I almost always solve the problem by repositioning the chip. Its usually off by a few mm. Measure a cart that works from top and for for correct position....thats probably what the doc 11-10 is sending you has in it.
  13. Low pricing.

    I really hope so
  14. Low pricing.

    I think its fair to say you are leaving a lot of money on the table, pissing on it and then lighting it on fire. So the guy whose truck you lettered likes your work? Now where is the discount off that $75 price when he wants you to letter his whole fleet of 100 trucks? What if the guy never...
  15. something quick

    no, I got that...It was just my way of complimenting Jill :smile:
  16. something quick

    Jill if I was the OP I would be PMming you to buy that logo!
  17. Another crappy design....

    Shovel, sometimes in life bad art happens to good customers.
  18. Vp540 strange banding

    Compare a print done with uni-directional. (carriage prints only in one direction)
  19. Another crappy design....

    BAGH! oooow. wow. That is almost a fail blog candidate. :covereyes:
  20. Hard drive went out in Roland..Help!!

    Trust us. If you are asking these kinds of questions, you would be throwing your money away. I am an experienced tech and I would think twice about refurbishing a machine someone GAVE me and said "meh..It's just got a bad motherboard"