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Search results

  1. Static elimination techniques

    Humidity is the only way. Rubber mats around work area help also.
  2. Shop Music?

    When/if I ever get a shop it will be between classic rock and "Racist Right Wing Talk" /sarc I like talk radio on XM
  3. Customer quote of the day

    PETA Seeks Memorials to Cows Killed on Ill. Roads Updated: Friday, 30 Dec 2011, 2:42 PM CST Published : Friday, 30 Dec 2011, 2:42 PM CST Associated Press Chicago - An animal rights group wants Illinois to install highway signs in memory of cattle that died when trucks hauling them...
  4. Customer quote of the day

    Don't dogs have "human" rights too? lol According to PETA they do.And more rights than humans. People Eating Tasty Animals :munchie:
  5. Holding small pieces while wrapping?

    I am thinking a bean bag type device. Heavy duty made with heavy canvas . Fill with rice and make sure it is pretty full , so you can shape and wedge the parts in. .....?
  6. Customer quote of the day

    How can I help you today? When did Mike Vick move to Alabama ?
  7. Any Dexter Fans Out There?

    WoW would have thought Dexter was too "Un PC" to talk about. I like the show better than any show on network tv. (except Survivor ) I still have not watched the last show that is on the DVR. I like how unpredictable the show is. Jimmy Smits was one of the best guest stars. I like how Dexter is...
  8. You were right Fred

    Jack was immortal..... A modern day Super Hero !
  9. Save 65% on all Plotter Art™ collections

    Will this software work on my Silhouette CAMEO™ http://www.silhouetteamerica.com/
  10. What is wrong with the State of Florida?

    What is wrong with the State of Florida? Hahahahaha http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chad_(paper)
  11. Sully-Monsters inc.

    Disney spends more on lawyers than most small countries GDP. I have looked and can not find any Disney art to buy to use personally Look up buying clip art and vector art from Disney . It will never happen.
  12. How about that TIM TEBOW?

    Tim Tebow: God's Quarterback http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203413304577084770973155282.html?mod=WSJ_hp_MIDDLENexttoWhatsNewsTop
  13. How about that TIM TEBOW?

    The Chicago Bears fell victim to more Tim Tebow magic Sunday, and the result was a crushing 13-10 overtime loss, a third straight defeat that dropped their record to 7-6 and further jeopardized their playoff hopes. http://www.kdvr.com/news/ct-spt-1212-bears-broncos-chicago--20111212,0,4853093.story
  14. Spartan race

    SPARTAN RACE Spartan Race™, the global leader in Obstacle Racing since 2005, was designed by seven insane ultra athletes and a Royal Marine. If you have tried trail races, mud runs, tough mudder runs, or a warrior dash, it's time to step up to a brutal Spartan Race obstacle course. You can...
  15. How your IT guy could be spying on you at work

    Just imagine you work in an office at a desk,or a cubicle... Your puter locks up...... The IT guy comes and you keep working on something else.... The guy reaches under the desk to check connection or the tower..... And now he knows what color thong you are wearing....if you wear one, /...
  16. Do NOT buy a Roland in the North East

    A little OT but... How is the service in Atlanta ?
  17. What you getting your kids this Christmas

    That looks like Fun ! When you get good you can upgrade to this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SH-LEYKzXDg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgdIE2t8QkM
  18. The irony is laughable.

    Most roofing companies have lettered trucks and use yard signs on the jobs they are at. Sell her bunches of decals also.
  19. The irony is laughable.

    Way to go ! Maybe she will give you tons of work !