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Search results

  1. B!tch and Gripe Session........................................... ....

    How many times has this happened to you ?? We just finished lettering 4 trucks for a customer yesterday. After they picked up the last truck, they called and asked if we could make a quick decal. 8" x 66". Sure, how many do you need ?? Just one. Alright, I'll find a scrap and fetchya a...
  2. GREAT way to save money.......................................

    I've dropped out of our Neighborhood Watch. I've put up a Pakistani flag in one corner of the front yard and an Iraqi flag in the other corner. In the center of the front yard, I've raised the black flag of ISIS. I'm being watched 24/7 by the local police, the sheriff, FBI...
  3. One of our customers.....................................

    Here is one of our customers..... hard at work.... or hardly working. He is all real. Nothing at all fake from the tummy to the beard to the twinkle in his eye. For 6 weeks before Christmas he is booked almost 7 days a week, making close to $350 an hour. He has one gig that brings him in for...
  4. What do you think...............??

    I have some banners to quote for a long-time customer. He just changed jobs and has much more buying power than he had before. This new job has been getting mesh banners from another vendor, but a rather large one, up north. When I add up my costs, overhead, profit and whatnot, if I take it...
  5. How many of you do this.............. ??

    How many people here.... either fax, send by snail mail or e-mail a quote or a combination of some or all of them, to a customer and then wait for them to get in touch with you about the order ?? Many times, we'll send out quotes and if it's enough money or something we really want to do, I'll...
  6. Dat's a spicee meataball..........................

    Oh wow............. Every Thursday, my wife brings in lunch for everyone here at the shop. I generally don't partake, but I did today. Got a large meatball sandwich with roasted red peppers, grilled onions [sauteed], Parmesan cheese and mozzarella. Oh my goodness, but was that masterpiece...
  7. I did a ba-a-a-a-d thing...............................

    Well, we all say how we won't do this or won't do that and I just made a quick $65 on this one and then charged him an additional $15 to do it in metallic gold. Okay, the thing goes like this....... Jose comes in and wants a decal for his windshield the words El Prose in Spanish means The...
  8. Removal of wall letters..............................

    Over the years, we've had to go into various stores/buildings to remove gatorboard or pvc letters from walls. Usually never had to do many of them, so we used wire to fishing line held firmly in both hands with heavy duty gloves and just pulled down, kinda the same way you would floss your...
  9. Staggering numbers...........................

    Lately, I've been looking around here at s101 and noticed the 'Like - Dislike - Thank You' posts are different. No big deal, but I'm always looking around for the non-obvious. Just a habit. Anyway, I noticed that most of the time in the last few weeks, there are somewhere between 5 to 6 times...
  10. Customer Shout Out................................

    Didn't see this category, so I just invented it. Okay, I've been one for a long time, telling people not to throw away customers and I usually come up with many reasons why not to, but I had one last week, actually almost 2 weeks ago that I just got a little tired of tiptoeing around. We went...
  11. That's it, just IT...................

    If I asked anyone here what these few words meant, I'll bet I'd get a dozen or more answers. A little background. These words appear on a billboard I pass almost everyday on my way into work. I've been seeing it for a few weeks, now. I'm Going Back I'm not going to go into it much...
  12. My salute to the fallen Officers...................

    This is not a political statement, but I would like to make my feelings perfectly clear. I salute the officers past, present and future....... and most recently in the past the two in New York and the one in Florida. :wavingflag: We already have some 200 license plates on order for...
  13. Installation Conundrum.....................

    I couldn't find a more appropriate category, so here's hoping it works in this one. :thumb: We have a sign to make for a customer. We bid it out, got the bid and yesterday they changed one of the basic elements of the sign. The INSTALLATION. It's a 'V' shape sign 96" tall by 144" wide on...
  14. Sometimes it's just better to have charged enough............

    About a month or so ago, we quoted a sign and after some back & forth details were figured out.... were awarded the job. The guy had a quote of about 1/3 of ours and I had told him to go that route, as there was nothing I could do with the numbers he said came from the other guy. Like I said...
  15. What's this................................. ??

    Here's one I've never encountered before. For us down here in the lower 48, it was Thanksgiving this past weekend. We had family and guests, along with two children. Kyle was there and is 9 years old. A very bright young man and very inquisitive. After dinner was over, we sat around the...
  16. Yo............. everybody......................

    Happy Thanksgiving........................