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Search results

  1. ADA Question.................................

    We have a somewhat new customer who has gotten a bunch of signs lately. She just paid her bill for some last week and now she's requesting some more signs. However, I'm not sure of the approach to them. She wants a total of 3 Rest Room signs, which I know must be ADA w/braille, but these are...
  2. Caught ya.........................

    You thought I was gonna ask what's this font.......... Fooled ya. I know that before computers and even electricity, there was just people around the globe and to communicate, they drew pictures to let Carly know she's gonna cook up the brontosaurus Cleb just speared. So, when it became...
  3. Stands................................

    Anyone know where to get WHITE 18" x 24" angle frames with ryders top and bottom ?? I don't care if clips or 1/2 moons, but I prefer 1/2 moons. :thankyou: Gino
  4. Toughie................................

    I'm trying to paint about 625 round cylinders. Each one is 3" in diameter and are 8" tall. They are made of solid wood with a little hole in each end for a rod to go through later on I was thinking of going to a pawn shop and buying an old LP or 45 record player and putting down some...
  5. No Good Place for this request................................

    Can we make a rule...... ?? No posting of pictures unless they open up directly ?? Stop the pdf's and other sh!t that ya hafta download and waste time. That gets old real fast. Even older than me.................... :Sleeping:
  6. Laminating.....................................

    We have a old seal 62 Ultra C laminator and it serves us well. We generally, just wheel it out, laminate and then put it back out of the way. We use make-shift tables out of horses and some boards. We have a job coming up in July with quite a few 4 x 10's to be laminated and were discussing...
  7. Odd one...........................

    Here is one coming up as Trebuchet in varying weights, but we can't find it, let alone anything close. Anyone have any ideas ?? :thankyou: Gino
  8. Price Increase Continuation........................

    In another thread, there are discussions about price increases and how it's affecting customers. No one likes a price increase, but for whatever reason[s], it happens. Some businesses profit on this while others take advantage of it. I've seen businesses which needed to increase delivery...
  9. My Fellers Outside Rep...................................

    Last week, we ran into a problem. Customer had picked a color which was available in cast and calendared only according to our books, numbers and color swatches. So, we tried to use it , but had horrible results. On our own, we searched and found an air egress that looked similar, but...
  10. Timing.....................................

    Is it me and my computers... or does every thread open super slowly ?? Then when I click back out, it takes 15 or 20 seconds for the forum to show any topics. Just everything seems to be slow for maybe the last week or so. :thankyou:
  11. This ever happen.................... ??

    Had a customer who we've done vehicles for in the past over the last 7 or 8 years. Furnished some signs and a few bronze plaques for them, also. They contacted us about lettering a new vehicle [new to them, but used] back in February and they needed the chassis rebuilt, engine work and a...
  12. Reminded me of................................

    There's another thread going on right now about sending out invoices and such. Someone mentioned, what I thought was a little high, an outstanding receivables amount. So, I decided to start one on this view of things. I don't care how others run their business or want to play banker to be...
  13. Question for Fred..............................

    I don't know how others feel, but is there a way to keep all the 'been quoteds' out of the PM's area. I like it and think it's a great/nice touch, but my PM's fill up like crazy, now. I'm deleting them left & right. The 'thanks and likes' things don't do it, so that's not a concern, but...
  14. Need an Old-Timer on this one...........

    I'm doing a job over for a customer in which we did the job back in 1998 or maybe early 1999. They want to put the exact same thing back up and when I pulled my converted files, some of the images are somewhat bizarre. They're missing sections of the old logo. Before I re-create them, I was...
  15. Egads, but that's cheap......................................

    Had a guy call me from central New Jersey last week telling me his sign guy is too expensive. We chatted and the sign is a 4' x 6' 2 sided sign on two posts dug into the ground. I said, that's a little steep, but ya gotta get what ya gotta get. He then tells me, that's coming from south...
  16. Now, that's low..................................

    Just got this a few moments ago. How do people do this ?? More so...... why ?? I kept all the pertinent information off, as I don't want to get anyone in trouble, but still....... why ?? They also claim one-day turnaround at these prices. Sheesh..... :frustrated:
  17. Okay, so who figured this one out............??

    So, we were given specifics on doing some wall lettering. The company wanted us to put some phrases on a few walls at different stores. They told us all of the particulars and this wasn't our first time doing these, so we had a pretty good handle on what to do. To prevent extra costs on our...
  18. Banner type material........................

    Had a customer come in today wanting some banners made on a material that is cloth like, but not scrim banner. This is for a trade show display and they want to be able to fold, roll or scrunch up the banners after the show and the next time they get them out, there will be no wrinkles...
  19. Snl 40.....................

    So, anybody see it ?? Brought back so many memories and fun moments. Forget what funny was. How simple and easy it was 40 years ago. :thumb: Here's to 40 more !!