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Gino, seriously, on a professional sign forum you have nothing better to say then complain about the service you got at your local burger joint.....and Fred actually chimed in on this.....unbelielveable?!!
Evidently, you have not been visiting this place lately. There ain't no sign sh!t going on here to begin with to discuss. Other than what font is this or where do I get the cheapest ink to go in my old printer I bought off e-bay hobbyist.... there ain't squat going on in this professional sign forum. So, if simple economics without the political slant/flare is introduced, just imagine the subject matter affecting your bottom line and what you can do to help, rather than posting nonsense. And while you're at it, why don't you learn to spell correctly the words with more than 2 syllables in it ?? This is a professional sign forum where communication
As for the others feeling sorry and all teary-eyed for these down-trodden workers...... do you really believe what you're saying ??
Do you think McDonald's, Burger King Taco Bell or whoever went on the street, grabbed these people by the ear, dragged them inside and forced them to work for these wages ?? For Cripe's sake, these people applied for each and every job, filled out paperwork, agreed to all of the conditions and than they want to take their employers business hostage ?? For frickin' fast food ?? These people ALL made a choice and now someone is whispering in their ear, how they can forcibly change their future by banding together and creating chaos. To H*ll with the choice
The ideal thing would be to shut all these places down and re-educate people and families... in cooking at home and at how much money THEY can save and how much better quality of food they'll be putting in their bellies.
Oh yeah..... and GB2, I hope you were only kidding about your post or misinformed from terrible reading skills. I never mentioned anything about bad service or the likes. I don't go to those places more than maybe twice a year.... and that's only in an emergency when I'm desperate. Other than Chic-fil-A, most of this food is gross and lousy tasting, unless you like a lotta chemicals.

And Addie..... well, some things just never change. Why not just shut your pie hole ?? You just wander all over the place hoping your sh!t will stick to something somewhere. Throw enough words out and maybe something will make sense to somebody.