Here I go.
I wanted to share this with everyone.
I went to Dr Timko, Yesterday the (periodontist), It bad news that in the end will be great news and the goal of getting me re listed on the kidney transplant list.
So It's like this, He did a deep gum cleaning 30 days ago as some what of a test. I was there yesterday and he compared the measurements and exams. It shows and improvement and means my gums are trying to come back... Wonderful news however it now mean the it would be worth wile for me to have the next step, many surgery's. It the gums didn't come back then it would be not worth having the surgery and not an option.
This means I'll go see Dr. Rawa on the 30th of the month, have 8 to 10 teeth out and leave with a partial bridge in place.
Two weeks after that I see Dr Timko for Periodontal surgery. I'll try to explain and not be graphic. They take your mouth and divide it into 4 quadrants , upper right , upper left etc on the bottom. Only working one quad. at a time.
When I see him he will cut my gums and peel them back clean under and do bone grafts where needed and put the gums back and stitch them in place.
You wait a week come back in and they remove the stitches and "NORMALLY" everyone waits a week and the start the next quadrant but because I have to travel almost an hour and half to get to him we will "remove the stitches" and start the next "quad" in one sitting. It will get me done 4 weeks sooner by doubling this up but of course I'm told I'll be sore and babying my mouth for about 6 weeks.
I'm scared and think this don't sound fun but the end result is what it is all about so I'm happy and ready.
I do have to again say thank you to everyone for helping me here. I am truly humbled but the help folks have given. I the love and support can't be described.
I would also like to share with everyone a update that ran yesterday on our local news. You will again see Dr Timko and Rawa are great folks. Truly wonderful folks.
I know I'm not the best at explaining things so if anyone don't understand or has questions please ask I sure do not mind talking about things here.
Again thank you my Brothers and Sisters.... :U Rock: