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Apple has reported Steve Jobs has died


New Member
Whatever level of success I have had in life, little is going to be attributed to my computer or any other consumer device. Otherwise, what, do I pay homage to Summa, Corel, Sharff brushes?

Back in the 80's when I had an Amiga computer I found the same attitude. The Amiga community acted the same way against Apple and pcs. There was some justification but also some plain weirdness about it all.

god finally someone said it. thank you.


New Member
It's really sad to see a thread where someone has passed away and some people can't even keep their mouth shut and let the person be remembered in peace. Some of those people say how big a jerk the guy was or how horrible his company/products are. In my opinion, anyone that goes into a thread that's announcing someone's death and bashes the guy is a pitiful person. Don't have anything nice to say, then don't say it. Want to start an apple bashing thread, then start one. But really? On the guys announcement of his death, this is the best you can come up with as a human being?

How much hatred must be in your life to trash a guy and his company/products on a thread that's announcing his death? Do you go to funerals and heckle the preacher or family when the are remembering the person?

Really sad commentary on the mentality of some.


New Member
I haven't said anything either way about Steve Jobs. I never met the man.

I have noticed though that some people change their attitude towards another when they die. This has always puzzled me. If you were a dickhead while you were alive why would that change upon your death? I think you should remember a person the way they were... warts and all. If you only remember the good things you are not remembering the whole person.


It's better to have two hands than one glove.
I haven't said anything either way about Steve Jobs. I never met the man.

I have noticed though that some people change their attitude towards another when they die. This has always puzzled me. If you were a dickhead while you were alive why would that change upon your death? I think you should remember a person the way they were... warts and all. If you only remember the good things you are not remembering the whole person.

Exactly so.

I find it endlessly amusing and equally irritating how people who were ordinary humans, from having foibles to being practicing butt holes, somehow become saints when they suck the pipe.

Heaven forefend if they crashed in while riding in some mode of transportation and folded or they were assassinated in some way or another. This seems to multiply this perplexing effect. JFK, MLK, and RFK come instantly to mind. Perhaps because I was around as an adult when they were still breathing and were out and about doing whatever it was that they did. These men were most certainly not the saintly specimens that they are almost universally held to be. Not by a long shot.

Jobs was somewhere towards the right side of the foible to dickhead index regardless of his inarguable achievements.

What drives people to forget about the dubious and only remember the good to sometimes remarkable things that are on the other end of their complete behavior spectrum. It's propagating a false memory. It's dissembling and often outright deception. Participating in such is not good manners.


New Member
Each and everyone of us deserves death, so don't think any of you are an exception. See you all on the other side.


New Member
It's really sad to see a thread where someone has passed away and some people can't even keep their mouth shut and let the person be remembered in peace. Some of those people say how big a jerk the guy was or how horrible his company/products are. In my opinion, anyone that goes into a thread that's announcing someone's death and bashes the guy is a pitiful person. Don't have anything nice to say, then don't say it. Want to start an apple bashing thread, then start one. But really? On the guys announcement of his death, this is the best you can come up with as a human being?

How much hatred must be in your life to trash a guy and his company/products on a thread that's announcing his death? Do you go to funerals and heckle the preacher or family when the are remembering the person?

Really sad commentary on the mentality of some.


This thread is why this board really needs moderating.

Circleville Signs

New Member
It's amazing to me that anyone who says anything outside of the framework of what people want to hear is labeled as a jerk.

I stated nothing but facts. I stated both good and bad. I stated that it is never a good thing when this type of genius leaves the world. The guy will be missed. Doesn't change the fact that he was often a total jerk.


New Member
It's amazing to me that anyone who says anything outside of the framework of what people want to hear is labeled as a jerk.

I stated nothing but facts. I stated both good and bad. I stated that it is never a good thing when this type of genius leaves the world. The guy will be missed. Doesn't change the fact that he was often a total jerk.

It amazes me that people can't see this a thread to pay respect to a man who just died. But, in a day and age when people think it's fine to crank subwoofers in their cars while sitting in a residential neighborhood or picket funerals of soldiers why should I be surprised.


It's better to have two hands than one glove.

This thread is why this board really needs moderating.

Ah, let us filter everything through the prejudices of someone of whom you approve so that you might not encounter anything you deem unpleasant. Note that your referring to this sand pile as a 'board' displays a level of ignorance itself worth of moderation. This is not a 'board'.

No forum, not one, not any, needs moderating. Moderation sucks the life out of any forum, newsgroup, or any gathering whatsoever. Leaving a dessicated husk where nothing of interest to any normal person ever transpires.

Understand, if you're able, that there is nothing in the entire external reality that is intrinsically offensive, there are only those things to which individuals choose to take offense. If something offends you, you have chosen to be offended. It was your choice, you deal with it.

Perhaps you should run off and find a nice pleasant moderated forum where never is heard a discouraging word. Nor anything else worth paying the least bit of attention to.

In contention there can be new knowledge and understanding amidst that contention. In a pollyannesque moderated convocation, where no one would or could say shit if they had a mouthful, there is seldom a chance anyone would ever catch a glimpse of such a thing.


New Member
Ah, let us filter everything through the prejudices of someone of whom you approve so that you might not encounter anything you deem unpleasant. Note that your referring to this sand pile as a 'board' displays a level of ignorance itself worth of moderation. This is not a 'board'.

No forum, not one, not any, needs moderating. Moderation sucks the life out of any forum, newsgroup, or any gathering whatsoever. Leaving a dessicated husk where nothing of interest to any normal person ever transpires.

Understand, if you're able, that there is nothing in the entire external reality that is intrinsically offensive, there are only those things to which individuals choose to take offense. If something offends you, you have chosen to be offended. It was your choice, you deal with it.

Perhaps you should run off and find a nice pleasant moderated forum where never is heard a discouraging word. Nor anything else worth paying the least bit of attention to.

In contention there can be new knowledge and understanding amidst that contention. In a pollyannesque moderated convocation, where no one would or could say shit if they had a mouthful, there is seldom a chance anyone would ever catch a glimpse of such a thing.

"Board" as in message board Bob. I guess I'm just "old school". Got to love the ad hominem attack. Have you ever heard the expression a time and a place? You want to bash Jobs start your own thread. It's not what this is about. You really need to get over yourself.


New Member
I am the original poster, I was watching the keynote about the iphone 4s at the shop & ran out of of time, then I had to come home, make dinner & cut the grass, after that I settled down in my chair to finish watching on my Macbook pro, the link to the keynote was on Apple's front page so I went to it, & to my surprise, all I found was the Steve Jobs picture with the dates of his birth & death.

To set the record straight, I am a Mac fan, but that is what it is & not up for debate, I do find it interesting that someone who didn't know him personally would bash him after he is dead, I would understand if he was a murderer or something on that level but he made electronic gadgets for a living for goodness sakes. But it is a free country and, well you know the rest.

I have found that more often than not the boss is always an a$$, and you won't have a hard time finding people to tell you about it.

I have been the Mac faithful Fan for a long time, I watched Scully Kick Jobs to the curb, Gates bail Apple out of bankruptcy, an ultimately, the return of Jobs to the company, Being a consumer, I never really worried about how things were run, I just worried about what I was going to add to my gadget collection.

Here is a link to an article written by a Person who was close to the fire at Apple, it says a lot about what Steve was trying to achieve, and yes I can imagine a few toes were stepped on en route.



New Member
I think you should remember a person the way they were... warts and all. If you only remember the good things you are not remembering the whole person.

It's a little thing called "respect". Respect for the living, not the dead. You may very well think the person that died is a first class jerk. However, that person might have been a first class Dad, brother, uncle, or spouse to someone. That person might have been a first class mentor to someone. That person might have just been a jerk in your eyes or someone else's eyes. That person, unbeknown to you, might go off and help people in need on a daily basis.

By calling someone out at their passing, you are disrespecting the rights of others to remember someone how they impacted THEIR life. But some people think that mouthing off their impressions of someone trumps someone else's rights to remember the person the way they knew them.

If someone comes on the board and says "My cat just died" and you don't like cats, is it acceptable to say "Good, cats suck anyway, I'm glad it's dead"? You wouldn't do that, why? Because it's insensitive and disrespectful. But you'd do it to a human? Don't like cats? Then keep your pie hole shut when someone talks about the loss of their cat. You are under no obligation to respond. Don't you think the person with the cat deserves to remember their cat how THEY experienced them?

It's all about respecting other people, a concept several people apparently never learned.


New Member
It's a little thing called "respect". Respect for the living, not the dead. You may very well think the person that died is a first class jerk. However, that person might have been a first class Dad, brother, uncle, or spouse to someone. That person might have been a first class mentor to someone. That person might have just been a jerk in your eyes or someone else's eyes. That person, unbeknown to you, might go off and help people in need on a daily basis.

By calling someone out at their passing, you are disrespecting the rights of others to remember someone how they impacted THEIR life. But some people think that mouthing off their impressions of someone trumps someone else's rights to remember the person the way they knew them.

If someone comes on the board and says "My cat just died" and you don't like cats, is it acceptable to say "Good, cats suck anyway, I'm glad it's dead"? You wouldn't do that, why? Because it's insensitive and disrespectful. But you'd do it to a human? Don't like cats? Then keep your pie hole shut when someone talks about the loss of their cat. You are under no obligation to respond. Don't you think the person with the cat deserves to remember their cat how THEY experienced them?

It's all about respecting other people, a concept several people apparently never learned.
Again... I never said a single negative thing about Steve Jobs. I was merely offering up a plausible reason why some people feel the need to remember all aspects of the mans life.

And I love cats.


New Member
signmeup, sorry, I am not suggesting that you said anything disrespectful. You asked why and I gave my answer. I don't care if it's Steve Jobs or John Doe. It has nothing at all to do with Steve Jobs.