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Armed or Unarmed?

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John L

New Member
....Starring Charles Bronson as Paul Kersey, signwriter.

Interesting, I thought I was one of maybe just a few here.


New Member
Gun laws work really really well.... MEXICO is a perfect example. Guns are forbidden even and amunitions is it ILEGAL . GUN LAWS REALLY REALLY WORK. Dont need statistics just watched the news.


New Member
Do you actually know how many people have been killed in Mexico by guns? Do you think the per capita is higher there than in the US?

Better do some research.

Locals Find!

New Member
For you guys carrying extra round good luck! One shot one kill! Moto to live by!

You got that right.:goodpost:

trigger locks are great if you regularly train with them...but you have to train with you heart rate elevated or the training is really no good. you have to train while your stressed to the max or no good...the reality is if you dont train for the worst you wont be able to use your gun in defense without shooting yourself or a loved one. in fact if you dont train regulary, i seriously dout you could even reload your weapon during a hostile encounter...if anybody around here

Most civilians are never trained to that level. You also need to learn to shoot while under fire at moving targets. I never understood the guys who only shoot at stationary targets. I have hardly ever had a target that was shooting back at me stand still at 25 meters. From my experience most targets are moving and ducking and moving either at your or away from you. The guy standing still is not the one you worry about. He usually isn't there for long.

Gino, Unless your in a war zone the odds of you needing reloads in most situations your going to encounter is pretty damn slim. If your planning on playing Bruce Willis in die hard invest in a bullet resistant vest and some life insurance for your loved ones. Odds are you're not going to be that good of a shot under fire without extensive training and that is just plain fact.

Locals Find!

New Member
Do you actually know how many people have been killed in Mexico by guns? Do you think the per capita is higher there than in the US?

Better do some research.

Better still visit some parts of mexico where the drug lords run the show. They will tell you all about how well Gun Control works. They control the guns and they feel perfectly safe.


Roper of Goats. Old ones.
Do you actually know how many people have been killed in Mexico by guns? Do you think the per capita is higher there than in the US?

Better do some research.

"Zetas, infamous for its brutality, has contributed significantly to the approximately 45,000 deaths resulting from Mexico’s drug wars since 2006. The cartel also threatens media outlets with unpleasant consequences unless they report news as directed, prompting citizens to read blogs for more reliable information."

From here

It's unclear how many of those 45,000 deaths were the result of bullets but you can bet that all of the shooting deaths were from illegal guns. Gun laws simply do not deter, but rather embolden the criminal element when they know there is only a very slim chance that anyone will stand up to them.

If you didn't watch this video I posted earlier describing the spike in gun related crimes AFTER a nation-wide gun ban was enacted in Australia, then you owe it to yourself to see what might be in store for you should your own government decide to try the same thing.


New Member
Ok, I may have been off a bit. I don't like to take sides, but do tend to get a little overly worked up when I read and hear people make statements about Mexico based on media reports.

Remember, there is a WAR going on in Mexico. Most of the reported deaths are from either side of the war, the police and the cartels. I lived 2 years in a city of 1 million in Mexico and never heard of or read about an act of gun violence in the city.

I'm not saying that Mexico doesn't have serious serious problems right now with violence, but people aren't dying there because they don't carry guns. They're dying because they're on one of the sides of the war that DO carry.

"There were 52,447 deliberate and 23,237 accidental non-fatal gunshot injuries in the United States during 2000.[4] The majority of gun-related deaths in the United States are suicides,[5] with 17,352 (55.6%) of the total 31,224 firearm-related deaths in 2007 due to suicide, while 12,632 (40.5%) were homicide deaths.[6]"


New Member
Have ccw and yes always.
As for kids and guns, have two girls, 13 and 15, take them both to the range with a .22, 9mm, 40 and a 45 and they shot all of them. Why? Everything but the .22 scared the crap out of them from the noise and recoil so they will not mess with them, the .22 they will go thru 1000 rounds in it and have great time doin it.

When someone asks why i am trying to teach them too shoot, its because they enjoy it and now respect ALL GUNS and they are girls!

Why do i carry? Because i can.


New Member
N.C. has a couple of new gun laws that go into affect a midnight.

The new law gives people more legal protection when they fire a weapon at an intruder whether they are at home, in their car or at the work place. North Carolinians will no longer fear prosecution in a situation where they feared for their safety and defended themselves.
"It makes it very clear that somebody that is lawfully acting and lawfully in their home and someone is unlawfully gaining access to that home is not going to be responsible on a criminal or civil basis,"

The other is new law also allows for concealed carry licence holders to have their guns at state parks.


Premium Subscriber
trigger locks are great if you regularly train with them...but you have to train with you heart rate elevated or the training is really no good. you have to train while your stressed to the max or no good...the reality is if you dont train for the worst you wont be able to use your gun in defense without shooting yourself or a loved one. in fact if you dont train regulary, i seriously dout you could even reload your weapon during a hostile encounter...if anybody around here

as far as the kids go, my boy is 11 and had his first .22 cricket rifle when he was 6. he became a crack shot with it and even named it "scarlet"...lol he now has a ar 15-.22 that he regularry shoots. point is, he is VERY respectful around guns because he trains with them and sees the power of what they can do on a regular basis. no way in hell would he play with a real gun and not think its loaded.

all our weapons that are not for self defense are locked up in the safe and my wife and i have the keys...self defense weapons however are locked and cocked and loaded and everybody knows it...with exception of the shotgun, and i dont keep a round in the chamber for that only because i want an intruder to here me cock that baby...

mark galoob

mark, that was always my feeling. To scare the bageezes outa someone that just sneaked into the house. However, two instructors have both told me.... you are giving away your most important and strongest advantage by alerting someone you are:

  • First... you are there.
  • You have a gun.
  • You've given away your position.
  • They now know know to advance or retreat.

  • Most of all.... how to approach the situation.

Upon entering a usually dark house... everyone has the advantage, but yours is better because they probably don't know if you're there.... or where.... or how many..... and if you're even armed. But racking that shotgun just might be the wrong thing to do. So, to this day, I still can't figure out which way to do it.

Think I'll continue to keep it un-chambered for the simple fact, if the cleaning lady goes in that closet and knocks it over or just a dumb accident out of the ordinary waiting to happen. I feel safer in more ways not chambering then to chamber it.


Premium Subscriber
You got that right.

Most civilians are never trained to that level. You also need to learn to shoot while under fire at moving targets. I never understood the guys who only shoot at stationary targets. I have hardly ever had a target that was shooting back at me stand still at 25 meters. From my experience most targets are moving and ducking and moving either at your or away from you. The guy standing still is not the one you worry about. He usually isn't there for long.

Gino, Unless your in a war zone the odds of you needing reloads in most situations your going to encounter is pretty damn slim. If your planning on playing Bruce Willis in die hard invest in a bullet resistant vest and some life insurance for your loved ones. Odds are you're not going to be that good of a shot under fire without extensive training and that is just plain fact.

There are times, this place IS like a war zone [Reading, that is]. I kid you not. I've never been involved in one, not with guns anyway, but there have been people pinned down for as much as 10 or 15 minutes in cross-fire between gangs and people just laying flat on the street while bullets go whizzing by. The Police generally won't come onto the scene for a few minutes because they are now supposed to wait for the tanks to come in and lead the charge on some of these battles. A few years back, a grandfather was pinned down outside his car..... he managed to get back inside where he blanketed his 6 year old granddaughter with his body. When the smoke settled, he was shot about 4 or 5 times. The little girl was fine, but to find your almost dead bleeding grandfather on top of you is just not to my liking.

Anyway, here's the third of three SWAT vehicles we lettered for our town. This bruiser is stationed not far from where I live and is used for my county and three or four neighboring counties. We have a very strong SWAT force in our area and it's a very brave and courageous bunch. They are anywhere within minutes of a call. The equipment seems to be stationed in our area, cause we need it the most right here.

So, while I have no intention of engaging anyone with a gun unless I feel threatened for my life or my family's well-being, I will continue to carry extra rounds with me because I can, not because of some unusable statistic you show up with, here. If I'm that bad of a shot... I'll have 25 or 30 more tries while I last.... if I last. And no.... I don't and won't play Bruce Willis, but I do like Gran Torino....... :wavingflag:


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New Member
There are times, this place IS like a war zone [Reading, that is]. I kid you not. I've never been involved in one, not with guns anyway, but there have been people pinned down for as much as 10 or 15 minutes in cross-fire between gangs and people just laying flat on the street while bullets go whizzing by. The Police generally won't come onto the scene for a few minutes because they are now supposed to wait for the tanks to come in and lead the charge on some of these battles. A few years back, a grandfather was pinned down outside his car..... he managed to get back inside where he blanketed his 6 year old granddaughter with his body. When the smoke settled, he was shot about 4 or 5 times. The little girl was fine, but to find your almost dead bleeding grandfather on top of you is just not to my liking.

Anyway, here's the third of three SWAT vehicles we lettered for our town. This bruiser is stationed not far from where I live and is used for my county and three or four neighboring counties. We have a very strong SWAT force in our area and it's a very brave and courageous bunch. They are anywhere within minutes of a call. The equipment seems to be stationed in our area, cause we need it the most right here.

So, while I have no intention of engaging anyone with a gun unless I feel threatened for my life or my family's well-being, I will continue to carry extra rounds with me because I can, not because of some unusable statistic you show up with, here. If I'm that bad of a shot... I'll have 25 or 30 more tries while I last.... if I last. And no.... I don't and won't play Bruce Willis, but I do like Gran Torino....... :wavingflag:

That is so sad. Sorry to hear about this Gino.I never realised how bad it is!

Locals Find!

New Member
There are times, this place IS like a war zone [Reading, that is]. I kid you not. I've never been involved in one, not with guns anyway, but there have been people pinned down for as much as 10 or 15 minutes in cross-fire between gangs and people just laying flat on the street while bullets go whizzing by. The Police generally won't come onto the scene for a few minutes because they are now supposed to wait for the tanks to come in and lead the charge on some of these battles. A few years back, a grandfather was pinned down outside his car..... he managed to get back inside where he blanketed his 6 year old granddaughter with his body. When the smoke settled, he was shot about 4 or 5 times. The little girl was fine, but to find your almost dead bleeding grandfather on top of you is just not to my liking.

Anyway, here's the third of three SWAT vehicles we lettered for our town. This bruiser is stationed not far from where I live and is used for my county and three or four neighboring counties. We have a very strong SWAT force in our area and it's a very brave and courageous bunch. They are anywhere within minutes of a call. The equipment seems to be stationed in our area, cause we need it the most right here.

So, while I have no intention of engaging anyone with a gun unless I feel threatened for my life or my family's well-being, I will continue to carry extra rounds with me because I can, not because of some unusable statistic you show up with, here. If I'm that bad of a shot... I'll have 25 or 30 more tries while I last.... if I last. And no.... I don't and won't play Bruce Willis, but I do like Gran Torino....... :wavingflag:

If your town is a bad as all that. I would suggest quietly finding some hand grenades. Situations like your describing is exactly when you want the ability to lob a few grenades. Not sure of the legality but, I doubt anyone is going to be testifying against the guy lobbing them in that situation.

Never quite understood why swat teams don't get issued them. I know they get the flash bangs and smoke, but sometimes a frag is really what you need.


Premium Subscriber
Fellows, don't get me wrong. This is all basically inner city Reading. There's not much to offer as in like lotsa cities around the world of 75,000 to 100,000. There are still many places to go that are for the most part safe, but none of it's like it was years ago. Inner Reading, all you see is trash all up and down the streets on curbs and in the summer, some of them get pret-t-t-ty ripe. Most all the young people think and act like they're gonna blow your brains out, but after growing up in this most of my life and having quite a few battle scars of my own, you know how to stare them right back and get them to look away first. It's all about a great big game of 'Chicken'.

  • Here's one of my favorite things to do when driving through the city streets.

Okay, there has to be more than one person involved from the other side. Usually three or four is a whole lot more fun.... at least for me.
Most of the time, these kids [when I say kids, I mean anyone from 15 up to 25 or 30], have to be crossing the street, usually J-walking and daring you to hit them or stop, so they can give you the 'Evil Eye' and win the contest. So, I'll turn my head far enough to the left, so it looks as though I'm not paying attention to where I'm driving and I don't slow down one bit. In fact, I might start to veer off right towards them and when I know I'm just about on them, turn my head and look flabbergasted, fake spinning the steering wheel and they usually bust out running, swearing and calling me crazy names with all kinds of neat colorful adjectives. I just laugh my frickin' head off and keep going. Another one for me.

Oh, and you get the same point count regardless if they're White, Black, Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese or anything in-between. I ain't the least bit prejudiced.


New Member
For those of you that are able to carry and do, I say Good Job. You are protecting and supporting our rights and the second amendment. For the unfortunate ones like myself who live in Illinois or other countries where a citizen is not allowed to conceal carry, I feel your pain.

My grandfather and father have always hunted and own various guns. I was raised around guns and own quite a few myself. I belong to a local gun club, and teach gun safety to 4-H groups. I just wish that we in IL had the ability to conceal carry. I would take a class, fill out an application, or even pay a fee.

Illinois is just messed up:frustrated: But I have family, friends and a job that I love here.


New Member
Fellows, don't get me wrong. This is all basically inner city Reading. There's not much to offer as in like lotsa cities around the world of 75,000 to 100,000. There are still many places to go that are for the most part safe, but none of it's like it was years ago. Inner Reading, all you see is trash all up and down the streets on curbs and in the summer, some of them get pret-t-t-ty ripe. Most all the young people think and act like they're gonna blow your brains out, but after growing up in this most of my life and having quite a few battle scars of my own, you know how to stare them right back and get them to look away first. It's all about a great big game of 'Chicken'.

  • Here's one of my favorite things to do when driving through the city streets.

Okay, there has to be more than one person involved from the other side. Usually three or four is a whole lot more fun.... at least for me.
Most of the time, these kids [when I say kids, I mean anyone from 15 up to 25 or 30], have to be crossing the street, usually J-walking and daring you to hit them or stop, so they can give you the 'Evil Eye' and win the contest. So, I'll turn my head far enough to the left, so it looks as though I'm not paying attention to where I'm driving and I don't slow down one bit. In fact, I might start to veer off right towards them and when I know I'm just about on them, turn my head and look flabbergasted, fake spinning the steering wheel and they usually bust out running, swearing and calling me crazy names with all kinds of neat colorful adjectives. I just laugh my frickin' head off and keep going. Another one for me.

Oh, and you get the same point count regardless if they're White, Black, Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese or anything in-between. I ain't the least bit prejudiced.
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