Does that mean if Im not a merchant member yet, I'm gonna get $#% on every time I ask a question. Get your stupid ego in check and look at what site you are on! I don't care if you used to work at Ben Franklin's shop, some of us newbies would like some straight answers.
I was considering paying the yearly subscription, but if old codgers like Gina keep cryin the blues, maybe i'll just stay on here for free......
Don’t we seem to have a foul mouth and mind ?? You seem to have a rather peculiar view of this place. You wanna talk crap…. talk it and see how much advice or help you get. You wanna make fun of everyone honestly trying to help you…. see how far you get.
No, it doesn’t mean anything at all what you wrote. I have no idea where you would get a stupid idea like that ?? Perhaps that’s why you’re here asking questions. You haven’t a clue as to who you are or what you’re doing, but you’re gonna tell me and others how we should conduct ourselves. Making fun of me, my ego or business does nothing to me. I’m quite happy and content where I’m at in life and business, but evidently you’re not… or you wouldn’t be here with your drama queen attitude about the big mean people that won’t play by your rules and be nice to you. Ya know, I’ve put this off, but go cry me a frickin’ river. Wimps and the likes of you are here today…. and gone tomorrow.
You want straight answers… get prepared buster, cause for the most part….. I’d say 90% of these people are usually handling you and your pathetic questions with kid’s gloves. Most of the newbies….
and I’m not including any of those that are truly wanting into this industry asking for help and honestly trying…… but the offensive me-first outbursts like you contribute that want to blame others for their own failures and then bitch and complain about not getting free handouts is just getting old.
As for Head….. it’s his own fault if he can’t find help in the
‘Premium’ section. There is no reason to purposely try to sabotage something that is working unless you’re either stupid… or jealous.
For Sky…. I’m sure Fred handled himself in a very professional manner which is all anyone is asking here of the newbies. He probably didn’t come across as some know-it-all or complaining biatch. He knows how to be prepared in any environment and I’m sure represented himself totally top notch.
For Fred......
Like Ron White says... you can't fix stupid..........