Dave Drane
New Member
Ya know, I don’t mind newbies coming or going…. it’s the attitude that kinda stinks.
Sure things are different today than 40, 50 or 60 years ago, but basic design, layout skills, color wheel and general knowledge are still the same. The tools as to how you get there may be different, but the end result are the same. Well, the same goes for learning….. you wanna learn….. you play by the rules. Ask questions, and remember there are no dumb questions, just dumb answers, but be prepared to be corrected and whether its done nicely or rudely…. take out the adjectives and see what the end results are. If ya stink, ya stink….. and it’s best ya know it up front, so you can correct it. No one told you how to read and that every word while being sounded out made sense, but you eventually got the gist of it and started doing better on your own. Ever hear a foreigner say words…. do you laugh at them and poke fun…. Yeah, usually and then you correct them and say it correctly for them. Try getting a Latino to say the word ‘FOCUS’… that’s got to be the funniest thing I do and it happens quite often. Another one is the word ‘FOG’.
Anyway, these first timers are just being a little too hissy about coming into something virtually for free asking questions to save them $1,000’s if not 10’s of $1,000’s and they cop an attitude when we talk straight turkey to them. Did these newbies talk back to their parents when they said or did something wrong ?? I hope not, but by today’s standards…. they probably did.
Well, the room just gets a little too stuffy when the student has the attitude about learning and that’s what gets the flames under my butt turned a little too high.
No one member or newbie should be felt they are doing something wrong, but when one looks a gift horse in the mouth 52 times…. it gets old real fast. :Sleeping:

Certainly there are many people with a "layout brain" who are able to enter and understand the modern way of signmaking but it is really getting boring with morons with money thinking they can walk straight into this business. I often see a car or truck pass by that catches my eye but the "graphics" are totally illegible?? This is what needs to be taught in a trade school that advertising is not only being able to get the attention but being able to take in the MESSAGE!! Button pushing with no brains applied is becoming very boring.