Gigi,....I'm late to the party but here's some advice you may want to think about for the future...
After so many years of dealing with 'customers' the story usually goes like this and this is what works here...
You design their sign, artwork, brochure, card whatever and produce it, print it whatever. They are happy and they pay for it.
Month or two passes, they ring or email with a request for the artwork, as they want to 'make some changes', 'get some t-shirts printed', whatever. You tell them that you can provide this service. They say 'Oh, no we're doing it ourselves' or 'Our printer needs it'.

Tightarse Alert
My reply is that we can convert
our native files into an editable format and put on cd for $100, ($200, $300..whatever we deem a fair amount).
They reply 'blah, blah. blah, blah, whinge, whine, blah.....blah'.
My reply is the we can convert
our native files into an editable format and put on cd for $100", ($200, $300..whatever we deem a fair amount).
They either of 3 things happen. They are all in your favour. They either ask you for a quote on what they need, pay the $100-$300 for the cd, or if they are a true tightarse they'll dissappear (which isn't always a bad thing knowing what type of customer they are).
Don't try and explain yourself, reason with or appease them as you
had already lost them (you may win the work with this approach) or next thing you know, you'll be posting here for advice on how to deal with these types.
Customers can waste hours of your time, make them pay for it.