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Corn Dogs, love em or hate em?


New Member
You know, I never liked a corn dog, or a "Pogo-on-a-stick" like my eastern brethern like to call it. But a Shopsy hotdog at the stadium..ahh, the good 'ol days. Of course the 'dog and the beer has a fearful cholestoral count, so I'm going to forego the 'dog.... and forgive the beer..


New Member
never had a corn dog but i just bought some frozen ones for my grandson he loves em
i will try one tonight
but all these other child hood treats
spam, sos, mac n cheese
spam is good if you fry it with syrup
and throw a can of corned beef in with the mac n cheese
good quality meals of a poor family


New Member
when i was a kid in pa, we had a guy who came in the bar who wored as a "cooker/janitor" at the local MEAT PACKING PLACE....tharts where they kill all the meat you eat.
hot dogs/bologna is made from the pieces of cows/pigs that cant be sold as cuts of meat. yep, basically the SCRAPS OF MEAT. most are off the floor.......
ive had the occasion to go into the packin house while this guy was workin.............the also had a 2-3 foot hole in the floor, and he would push hoofs, heads, tails(the one the dont use for soup bones you buy)and it all was ground up same thing the use to chip up tree limbs...and the suff came out below and was pressed into 24" discs after it was cooked and sold to dog food companies.
the machine that makes the PATTIE for hotdogs/bologna looks like a big cotton candy machine. in the saome room thy had the machine that makes PORK RINDS....which is not pork rinds only the fat ..and cooked really quick.
as the RESIDENT VEGITARIAN.....been a long time since i ate any of this, but MORNINGSTAR FARMS...makes a NON-MEAT CORN DOG .....wife loves em.......hope i didnt spoil you appitite))))))))))))))))))))))
OldPaint: Goodness, you are going to make me want to go back to being a vegetarian. I was for 7 years, but I started eating meat again about 4 years ago. I wasn't supplementing my diet well enough. Of course, all the grocery stores down here in the South are much more vegetarian friendly these days than they used to be.


New Member
produce area....look for MARJOHN TOFU CRUMBLES...and VEEGIE CHEESE...at ALBERTSONS....
wally world/winn dixie/albertsons frozen food...
MORNING STAR FARMS......try the breakfast patti and links...as good as jimmy deans,
BOCA products....ITALIAN SAUSAGE....great.
DENNY'S serves BOCA PATTIES....for any of there burgers, also i get them to sub a BOCA for the meat on the breakfast $5.99 deal.
i been a veggie since 92-93......and iam better off for it...
iam 62, dont take BP/DIABETIS/CHOLESTROL DRUGS.....
my only down fall is things that end in "O"!!!!!!
DORITO, CHEETO, FRITO, OREO...................))))))))))))))))))))))))
LOL! I can understand the "O" weakness. Thanks, OldPaint. I do love the BOCA Italian Sausage--the one that comes in the red box is my favorite. I'll check out some of the other things you mentioned. We just got a Trader Joe's in the area, so I am going to check them out as well. I only eat meat about twice a week as it is, so with a few new favorite foods--I could easily go back to being a vegetarian.


New Member


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Thanks, Sign Boy. That's funny--I just found out that I have high intolerances to dairy and it was recommended to me to try some of the Amy's line of foods. Two birds with one stone, eh? =)


New Member
I dont care whats in a hot dog .. As long as it tastes good .. i'l eat it :thumb: :beer
Tofu on the other hand ... bah! :Sleeping:


New Member
G.W Bush is a American hero .... just like corn dogs at a state fair yummmm
...sure glad and proud of the soldiers for protecting our freedoms and thanks to Iraq that we do this there, not here on American soil,
of course all you haters can change that and vote for Hillary lol if you vote lol

WHAT PLANET YOU LIVIN ON??????....HERO MY ASS....(from someone who did his military service)))))))))))))))))))
you one of these :