Dont know why Im up this late, but I am, so Ill ramble a little.
To me, if you are out among potential customers, the first thing you do when you are going after business is hand them your card. Now me, I want my card to slap them right in the jaw with a nice, colorful layout. Most signs are made from several different colors, with a couple nice typesyles, and sometimes a few effects to give them a little punch. I want to show them the quality of the work I can do with one little card. If it looks professional to them, chances are Ill get their business, but, some of that is lost on some customers, as some customers wouldnt recognize good or bad, they just want a sign, cheap and fast as they can get it. Its all about image in my book, and I want my little ol business card to be a good spokesman for the work I do.
I understand how you feel about using certain elements on your card, and how you might want to stay simple, but I really think you should go back and read all the replies to this post, all given with the best intentions and wanting to help, look at the samples, and maybe even look through some of the fine work on the portfolio page. Use some of those ideas and advice and come up with something that gives you all the bang you need for your business. :signs101: