New Member
geez someone lock this
There are machines that are better and some that are not so good, but if a person is starting out and is on a low budget and small client base. Why spend $15,000 when $4000 will do. This forum is full of threads with people needing help with every brand of printer, cutter computer made. It's not right to just jump on someone because they spent less money than you did. If you don't want to offer any help, then don't, but why do people go out of their way to trash talk someone because of the equipment they bought.
"when you could have spent the exact same on eBay, getting a piece of worthwile used equipment. All I am trying to say is, do a little research...and LEARN about stuff before you make unwise purchases."
SAME THING IAM SAYIN......why all the "outrage" about US WHO KNOW BETTER......tryin to tell those newbie 101 ers..............that cheap aint better......BUT IF YOU DO RESEARCH AND LEARN....BEFORE YOU LAY DOWN MONEY....u will be better off ......but good advice is like anything else....EITHER TAKE IT AND LEARN... or do dumb skin of my butt.....either way....
think what you want but what you are ACTUALLY saying to all us newbs is "hello my name is oldpaint and im a asshole so please /ignore me"
and i believe ill take your advice
think what you want but what you are ACTUALLY saying to all us newbs is "hello my name is oldpaint and im a asshole so please /ignore me"
and i believe ill take your advice
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Yay I've ran a 20 foot by 24 inch roll with my first PNC 1100! I was nervous the whole time but It didn't shift more than 1/4 inch!