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Explain your avatar / name


New Member
Until recently my avatar was just the double g’s for Gypsy Graphics. For a short time I had the g’s with a two shoes, stiletto and a boot (my office shoes and shops shoes). I get a kick out of the reaction I get from clients who have only met the “office me” when I show up on an install, all in black, a gansta hat, boots and a tool belt.

Once after an install, I stopped by the chamber office to pick a check they owed me. No one there has seen me in anything but business attire, so I thought it would be funny to go in looking tough, tool belt and all, and demand my money.

They were laughing so hard I don’t think they heard me ask for my check, so I said, in my best potty mouth voice “did ya not see the F’n tool belt, I got sharp tools in here and I’m not afraid to use them, now get me my GD check!” It’s hard for me to cuss with a straight face, I only do it when I’m joking.

Apparently, the check was already cut so they gave it to me. I yanked it out of the CEO’s hand ad said “don’t make me come down here like this again.”

Anyway, I thought that avatar suited me perfectly. But I like the avatars with people in them, even if it’s a cropped close up so I changed it last month to this one in my gansta hat. Sorry, no funny story to go a long with that one.

The story behind the GG name is on my profile page.

Air Art Girl

New Member
I'm an airbrusher hence the name

For the atatar........she's just hot don't ya think?? Isigns likes her!! It's an avatar the Replicator found for me.


New Member
Racer X was the unknown racer. No one knew his true Identity - or at least for a while anyways - So since most of you don't know who I am or my true Identity, I am Wrapper X the unknown Wrapper.


New Member
Years ago I bumped into an old high-school friend I had lost touch with since the early seventies. After a bunch of catchin' up he mentioned he had written a science/fantasy novel in which he named a character Sardocs Mot, my name backwards.


New Member
Racer X was the unknown racer. No one knew his true Identity - or at least for a while anyways - So since most of you don't know who I am or my true Identity, I am Wrapper X the unknown Wrapper.

Big Black the very unheralded musical bastards from Chicago had a great song Racer X, and your name always reminds me of that industrial Chain Saw!

Red Ball

Seasoned Citizen
The little guy is Ira. A little 12lb mutt we adopted almost ten years ago.
In this shot he is on his front paws leaning on my knee. He licks the air when excited. He is telling me "Ball, Dad, pick up the ball and throw it again."
I think it is one of those one in a thousand pictures.

The red ball stuff...something about being in the background and covered in dog spit...just kidding.


New Member
My logo.

I always thought that "Rooster Cogburn" was the coolest movie name ever, hence my selection of the name Rooster.

Boring, I know.


Merchant Member
BigFishDM I use because I branded my new line of products BigFish Digital Media and thought it would be appropiate to have an avatar that resembled my screen name. I am very passionate about fishing and love to do it whenever I have free time and wanted to incorporate that into the business some how. My whole product line is named after fish of some sort.

Bluefin Banner
Wahoo Window Perf
Great White Wall Vinyl
Barracuda Backlit Film
Tarpon Translucent Vinyl
Flounder Floor Graphics Vinyl

My laminates are listed under my Crustacean Series, I have Saltwater Series for Solvent and Fresh Water Series for my Waterbased, and the Tackle box for all the inks I sell. Anyways there is my explanation



New Member
i was once a rock n roll star!!!... one band was "the hogg mountain luggnuts"
i always used luggnut as a forum and email name.
this is a pic from another band i was in i'm on the far right.


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New Member
Gabagoo!!! I fell over laughing when I heard that word on SCTV years ago and never thought about it again until I needed a name in this online golf game I played 10 years ago. It stuck and I basically use it for everything internet related. Beats Noodlepimp!! thats a whole other story.
The avatar is Toby, our 10 year old mixed shephard /border collie that we rescued from the pound. She is an incredible dog and very loyal and loving.


New Member
Albin: a nickname I have had for a few years now. I am super blond and albin was a nice incognito reference to albino 0.0. Picture: my logo, I am kind of a type nut and really appreciate type based design.


New Member
Love the new avi, Steve! Please don't ever change it again!

Pretty obvious but when we started the business 11 yrs ago and i went to Chamber functions, people couldn't remember me or my name (I'm very generic-looking). So they'd ask the staff, "what's that signgal's name?"... "Who's the signgal I met at that meeting?"... "Where's the signgal?" Well, you get the idea.

as for the avi... took a page from Air Art Girls book. She's the best representative of a signgal (I think) and she's hot! LOL


New Member
From the time I was 12 until I was 15, I had two interests in life. Computers... and Beagles. I was raised on a farm, and had a pack of 5 beagle rabbit dogs, and in the evenings I would go to my room and build computers and other electronic stuff out of old computer parts. (these were 8088s and tandys and intel 286s)

My family hung the nickname "CFBeagle" on me... it stood for "Computer Freak Beagle" :doh:

When I got to surfing around the net later in life I needed a stealth name and remembered that old nick. Its on at least 20 forums and websites by now.


New Member
The name k.a.s. is the initials of our shop, looking back I wish I had just picked some random name. Maybe I will think of one and have fred change it.

The avatar is a picture of our pulling tractor.
