New Member
What have you all been smokin????
Not sure about smoking, but I tend to think solvents are to blame
What have you all been smokin????
Not sure about smoking, but I tend to think solvents are to blame
It's got something to do with the QR code in wrap's avatar. I don't have anything to read the code with so that's the best I can tell you.It may be because I am old ... but WTF is this all about?
ooooh Tony!!!! my dad loved that song when i was little... use to sing it to me and my sisters!!!"Thank God for little girls"....by Maurice Chevalier in the movie Gigi
it's got something to do with the qr code in wrap's avatar. I don't have anything to read the code with so that's the best i can tell you.
Is it a link to the funny cheap wrap website?
So what reads those codes anyway? Smartphone?
So what reads those codes anyway? Smartphone?
ding ding ding!!!
Yes, that is what was a secret, which gg knew, stacy figured out, wraps wondered if gg helped stacy find out (which she didn't), and the two of them marveled at her secret keeping skill & turned up the heat to test it... Which she passed... And scored some big boy pants as a result, and seemed to agree to run away with 2 dougs to escape the need for assistance with hiding a body...
Could also be a twisted porn flick...oops!
Did I really just go there? Of course, I did! I can't help it.
already had these two on my computer... aren't we cute.
...color, me & little sis