Woohoo! Looks like I dodged a close one.
not by a long shot, i just havn't figured out how to get you back yet.
WTF are you guys talking about? GG is prego?
i sure hope not... hubby's had the ol' snip snip. so he'd be none too pleased and neither would my boyfriend, wife or girlfriend.
With all this going on, I just had to ask....... How is your little dog doin?
Ellie's doing great, she's thinking of doing a public doggie service announcement... DON'T DO CHOCOLATE!
thanks so much Lyle and to your wife to. Lyle's wife is a vet, not only did they offer advice... he gave me their phone number so i could call if i had any problems or questions. bannerday emailed me her cell number too, said i could call anytime unless i need to be bailed out of jail.
see how sweet people here are... i be broken hearted if i had to leave this group.
Does this have something to do with "O" rings?
it could if we wanted it to, i'm always up for a little o-ring fun.
I think I might have finally got it but maybe not, I am incredibly dense.
I know!
I'll just pretend I "get it". It's worked for 48 years!
it worked so well for me too jill... until last night. it's pretty bad when you're involved and you're clueless.
Where's my beer and sandwich??
no beer for you... you're a bad, bad man.