For the record Big Dawg the opposite happens in the real world too. So I can understand a prospectives frustration also. Maybe you thwarted and idiot ... very cool ... but I don't find it humorous at all.
From the other side, I professionally contacted a local sign co. here in Rochester on ****** Blvd., I will strictly avoid naming names, since one of the biggest s101 member is aware and part of that company.
I dropped off a formal resume', provided a digital resume' .... shook hands, spoke politely for a little while with the "boss" ...... complimented his establishment ... etc ... al the normal BS dance ...
Was called 4 months later (because this massively busy sign shop-was not busy at all), and I was asked to fill in on a project on a Wednesday. The "boss" complains that he can't keep installation helpers for some ODD reason ...
I agree despite the insulting rate of pay (flag one).... (even though he said 'you do good work and have a ton of experience' we usually pay our guys 9 bucks an hour but you're worth at least 11 lol) ... so I agreed to get my feet wet and see what this guy/Company has to offer.
He calls me up the following Friday (two days later) and cancels ......... say's his schedule is all screwed up, BUT can I be ready Monday? I pause ...... OK sure let's shoot for Monday ....
I personally canceled two other photo appointments (with MY customers) so far for this guy. He calls Sunday evening at 9PM ... ohh ... so sorry I have to cancel Monday but I will call you in a couple days ... hang in there ....... one week goes by .... nothing. And this is the "boss" / owner. Never again will I consider this mess of a sign company.
I can certainly understand frustration on the employees end ... not that I condone yelling at the boss, I don't ........... I thought this company in Rochester was "all that" turns out ........ it's not "all that" at all ....... but didn't realize until I set foot in there.
So ........... I KNOW for a fact in the sign BIZ there are two sides to every glory story ....... meaning, I aim to bet there is more to most stories like this one. Not an attack on your story personally.