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How not to get the job

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... I gotta run ...... worked to do ....... for those lurking in the shadows, look at the bottom of this thread ... don't let anyone kid you, the mob mentality on 101 loves a thread like this ........ there's always two sides to every story .......... especially on s101! Peace ...


Certified Enneadecagon Designer
Um, I'm seeing a narrow point of view here...

First my take is the guy over-reacted. Does not have the attitude that I would want around me all day long. The bosses comments seem a bit snarcky, but I think in line with being put out for 2 days of this guys excuses. I don't know why you say he HAD THE JOB without actually meeting him. It's a team effort and if the guy looks good on paper, and you take it to the next step with an interview, you really want to know if he plays well with others... um, he does not, he never had the job in the bag.

Interviewing is a hassle for both people. I don't know about this guy, but I know what I have been through. I stay up all night making sure my physical portfolio is perfect, spend a bit of time making sure I am dressed right, smell right, nose hair trimmed, have the place mapped out, clean car, make sure the tank is filled and I'm fed so my gut does not make sounds. I have been in a position when I'm running low on money so it is a huge effort to make sure this is all done and come off as a person who is well qualified and confident, and make sure I do not look desperate or pray that my shirt is not pulling up in front because of my big fat gut. then do that 30 times.... both people are inconvenienced the same way, and EVERYONE KNOWS.... EVERYONE!!!! that being late is almost always going to count against you, no matter how good the excuse is.

This thing about the employer taking all the risk... that is NOT true....

I look at my employment situation as this... my responsibility is to help make my boss a friggin' ton of money.... I know I know, most people just want to put in time. But in my case, I was brought up to work hard. But at the same time, I have a wife, kids, a house that is squarely getting paid for by trusting my employer that he knows what he is doing. I have been laid off due to employer incompetence. I have missed out on raises that were promised because the boss spent too much on their luxury home, RV and boat... now I think the boss should have those things, but don't think that I worked my arse off to get all this experience to live in the dirt town I am currently in.

Gnemmas has a point, but employees do this too. As an employee, I also represent the company and have to "interview" all the time with clients of my employer. My opinion is... my attitude is directly related to my paycheck no matter who I deal with as an employee... hell, I even had to be nice to the shop dog!

showcase 66

New Member
In this business just as many others, Clients will piss you off. If this is how you are going to act toward a potential boss, this just shows how you would act toward a bitchy client.

When I worked for an engineering firm, I was in charge of conducting the interviews and give my recommendations on who to hire. We did 2 interviews. First one, I would be a jerk about things. 5 minutes late and I would be making little snide remarks about punctuality and things of this nature just to get under there skin a little. We would be able to see how they were going to handle the situation. If they blow up over little things like that, then they are probably not going to handle dealing with clients that are 90% rude.

If they got past the first interview, the second was much easier on the potential employee. We were very easy going and accommodating with people in that firm. We would tell the potential employee that we were testing to see if they can keep there cool just from little things. We always kept our employees longer than most places and always had a good group of people that could work together. One of the most important things in a business in my opinion.

The comment about you had 24 hours to find it, was in my opinion PRICELESS. Wish I would have thought of that one before. I could have definitely used that a time or two.

One time we hired a lady who just moved here from Minnesota and after all of her interviews, I went to show her around and introduce her to the supervisor. Warned her he was a little rough. Called him over and said this is so and so, she is your new tech, He looked at her and said "F" you, waited about 5 seconds turned and walked away. I was trying so hard not to laugh. The next day she showed up early and I was in the soils area and Bob, her supervisor, walks by not saying a word. Most of us wouldnt talk to him before coffee. She yelled HEY. Stopped him cold. You dont walk by in the morning without saying good morning. Every morning since, good morning.


New Member
there's always two sides to every story

The right side...


The wrong side...

ISAG (sry.. I do not know your real name) just chose the minority opinion and has fun picking fights. We all are just pushing buttons and having fun. No harm done.


New Member
.... you know ........ if it's any worth ... no matter how many times we wrestle now and in the past ... you some how always give me a genuine LOL

... I oddly enjoy bantering with you on occasion ........ reminds me of the FD days or being in band ... maybe that's it ... since you're a drummer too ... I may not agree with your positions always but I do enjoy your intelligence .... interesting ........

Mike, I'm certainly not going to reply to that with any insults, but will be my usual blunt and direct self... I would much rather feel respect over disrespect, tolerance over spite... and I almost always enjoy banter or debate...

Nobody knows better then myself how much of an arrogant Know it all I can be, but I'm going to confess that I think the banter you refer to is lacking an important ingredient that I try to overcome my own flaws to maintain...

Maybe it is just my perception, but I think a compelling argument can be presented without denouncing the opinions, or perceptions of others, passing judgment on the flawed or inaccurate views of others, or stating ones own differing views in a superior language of dominance... I think a differing view should set itself squarely in front of an opposing linebacker, right on the line of scrimmage, challenging any view to engage when the ball is in play... NOT presented like an offsides emotionally driven impulse to sack the QB at the earliest opportunity...

We are too alike to get along easily I suppose, and I don't mean to be telling you that you ARE like the emotional offsides rusher... but I AM telling you that is how it appears, and judging from other replies, I think others feel the same... maybe I just like football better then street fighting... Chess better then slug bug... maybe that's just me... but if that was an olive branch I saw, so is this.. at least that was my intention in tapping it out on these tiny phone keys...


Mike, I'm certainly not going to reply to that with any insults, but will be my usual blunt and direct self... I would much rather feel respect over disrespect, tolerance over spite... and I almost always enjoy banter or debate...

Nobody knows better then myself how much of an arrogant Know it all I can be, but I'm going to confess that I think the banter you refer to is lacking an important ingredient that I try to overcome my own flaws to maintain...

Maybe it is just my perception, but I think a compelling argument can be presented without denouncing the opinions, or perceptions of others, passing judgment on the flawed or inaccurate views of others, or stating ones own differing views in a superior language of dominance... I think a differing view should set itself squarely in front of an opposing linebacker, right on the line of scrimmage, challenging any view to engage when the ball is in play... NOT presented like an offsides emotionally driven impulse to sack the QB at the earliest opportunity...

We are too alike to get along easily I suppose, and I don't mean to be telling you that you ARE like the emotional offsides rusher... but I AM telling you that is how it appears, and judging from other replies, I think others feel the same... maybe I just like football better then street fighting... Chess better then slug bug... maybe that's just me... but if that was an olive branch I saw, so is this.. at least that was my intention in tapping it out on these tiny phone keys...

... OK ............ now really I gotta run lol .......... but the fact that you typed all that out on a phone ........ is certainly an olive branch and a sign of love ....... no question lolol .................. peace!


Just Me
Just to clarify Rick...

I am that in need of help. The only thing that would have stopped him from having the job was how he behaved during the interview. If it was someone we could get along with and work with - the job woulda been his (we had already seen portfolio). So maybe I should have said "The job would have been his had he not flipped out during the interview"

I appreciate the two side to every story, but there is no underlying story. If this is the guys behaviour under pressure - well... I'm just glad the opportunity didn't arise for me to piss him off while we were in the shop alone. He would have worked under me and regardless of the funny aspect of the situation.. the whole thing scared the crap outta me. I work in the office alone a lot and in these days and times who knows what further reaction he might have had.

All I want is someone capable and not psycho :smile:


New Member

Hooked on phonics worked for you! Don't get mad and quit... I would hate for you to think I am being rude and condescending!

I have to go to work now... my employee is 25 minutes late... I am gonna tear him a new one!



New Member
I have to go to work now... my employee is 25 minutes late... I am gonna tear him a new one!

I almost never type LOL, because I also don't laugh out loud that much, from the written word, but in a quiet house with others asleep... I had to laugh at that... sucks to be your employee today :smile:

Pat Whatley

New Member
lol .......... are you suggesting I am incompetent? Or that your are all knowing and super competent? Not sure exactly what your hidden message is.

Dude, calm your ass down :Big Laugh. You were talking about incompetent bosses, I quoted you talking about incompetent bosses, I responded with a post about why bosses are incompetent.

There's not a hidden message in that but it you want one then here you go...


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New Member
One last thing before I go... just to support my previous post about intelligence that ISAG edited to correct the incorrect use of a word.

Check out his signature file... (before he edits it!)

Pat... THAT's Funny!


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Certified Enneadecagon Designer
Just to clarify Rick...

I am that in need of help. The only thing that would have stopped him from having the job was how he behaved during the interview. If it was someone we could get along with and work with - the job woulda been his (we had already seen portfolio). So maybe I should have said "The job would have been his had he not flipped out during the interview"

I appreciate the two side to every story, but there is no underlying story. If this is the guys behaviour under pressure - well... I'm just glad the opportunity didn't arise for me to piss him off while we were in the shop alone. He would have worked under me and regardless of the funny aspect of the situation.. the whole thing scared the crap outta me. I work in the office alone a lot and in these days and times who knows what further reaction he might have had.

All I want is someone capable and not psycho :smile:

You are not that much in need of help that you have to deal with a cussy yell-head. Life is too short.

I don't believe there is an underlaying story in this case, I was also responding to other comments. I don't have the powers of reading between the lines, and I'm not into being a devils advocate because I don't like being on the wrong side. I just comment (or try to) on what is actually written. If this guy can't take a snarky comment, then he is going to be a weenie under real pressure. Good thing he did it then.

I have been yelled at by bosses, and fellow employers... the last time I have been yelled like that was over the phone by a vendor's project manager. The whole office could hear him. My first reaction was to go there and rip his lungs out through his butt, but since I represent the boss and the client and a 500k dollar job, I kept my mouth shut, I told him to call me when he cooled down, then when he called back told him we needed to figure out a solution without getting personal. He apologized, his boss and the salesman also did (they could hear it too), and I had already forgotten about it. Why? It's still the bosses problem. But I did have to walk it off to get back my perspective.

A little psycho is okay, just not weenie psycho....


Dude, calm your ass down :Big Laugh. You were talking about incompetent bosses, I quoted you talking about incompetent bosses, I responded with a post about why bosses are incompetent.

There's not a hidden message in that but it you want one then here you go...

... well Pat I am calm ........ not sure why when there is a conversation on s101, that people feel there is a sense of anger or lack of "calmness" ... when I responded to your post I was as calm as can be. Sipping coffee, chillin' ... heart rate 68 ... semi fun smirk ...

Now I am back after having a phone conversation with a potential client and still calm ......

I have respected your posts for years ... actually never saw your work until FB ... must admit I was surprised there wasn't more "amazing" sign work pictures ....... since you have always had amazing sign work insight.

p.s. I don''t understand the droid hidden message thing ....... scan code whatever they are. If you have something to say just call me 585-831-2254 that's how I roll.

So OK ...... you are now saying you agreed with me about "bosses" and how they at times can be incompetent, which most are when you really get them in the trenches ....... OK, my mistake. That's why I asked what you meant by your response.

At times it can be difficult to understand your responses ....... now and in years past ....... you seem to have a huge knowledge of the sign biz ... and answers to almost every problem definitively ... I'll keep your advise in mind.


New Member
Cussy yell-head is my new favorite phrase.

There's never any excuse for the kind of behavior Stacy described. Especially if you're applying for a job that you probably really need.

The boss's "24 hours to find us" quip was snarky, but I'd have said the same thing with the same attitude. You want to work for me, maybe you should give me the impression that you do.


Premium Subscriber
Great question .......... I bring in prior life experience and examples because it relates to knowledge of what goes on at the "boss" level and is relevant.

Some have responded as if I have zero experience in this area or the BS that goes on in the workplace. There is your answer.

And I am not making it an ISAG thread, just responded to those that have challenged my position. Some are worth responding to, some not.

We should definitely have some Scotch's in person ........... would be an awesome conversation.

Make arrangements, c'mon down and stay a weekend. :Welcome: Bring your new girlfriend. We have two guest rooms and as long as you don't go bonkers on me, you can come into work Monday morning. If things work out, we'll hire ya. If not, at least you had a free weekend. I know, I know, you're not looking for a job..... I was only joking about the working for us part, but the weekend stay is real.

I'll buy whatever Scotch you drink and I'll basically pour if down your throat.... in between my gulps of Irish whiskey. The Goddess loves Scotch, but the Bushmills is smooth enough. I'll convert you into a whiskey drinker in two days.

Now, go back to arguing with everyone.... and please, don't post up any letters of self patting yourself on the back. If no one believes you openly, you think they're gonna believe references you post up ??

I could post up literally hundreds of letters of approval, referrals and recommendations, but that isn't going to change anyone's mind one iota, so what's the sense in blowing one's own horn.... or threatening to do it ??


c'mon you two, is that all you have ... looking for an occasional misspelled word or mis-used phrase ...?

If you were half as good at arguing a topic (for or against) as you are at getting your magnifying glass out to spell check, you would be great trial lawyers. :birthday:

... anyway .... *sigh ......
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