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I Got A Get Well Present Today......


New Member
:Big Laugh I think this is a also thread that Fred should consider closing!!!!!!!!!!!!!:Big Laugh


New Member
always a 1 PERCENTER P.I.T.A. and you also dont want gay marriges, health care for all, and you would be happy if pat robinson was president, and you think the world would be better place if we just EXTERMINATED ALL THE MUSLIMS.......some people got no sence of humor, most here are ADULTS.....and nobody FORCED YOU TO LOOK AT THIS....
and if you dont like what i said here..dont post it here call me at 850-944-5060....and we can do this on the phone......for youre safety....AH


New Member
what I miss???

I'm scrolling looking for "P.I.T.A"...can't find it................
even though Paint sounds like a Lib... I got his back....
I haven't had an arrest in a while....I'm due!!!


New Member
I think maybe what I said about closing the thread was what got OP all jacked up. If so, I apologize. Just a joke, that's why I put the little:Big Laugh 's on it.


New Member
sorry myronb......but i had the same post deleted on another board..because 1 person said the same thing...
IAM SORRY....if i jumped ya....and yes iam a LIBERAL, SO WAS JESUS, and most of the people who have done great things in this world, HITLER, STALIN, LENIN, HERAHEATO WHERE ALL CONSERVATIVES!!!!!!!!! geee


New Member
I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!! I Knew you could'nt resist a photo shoot!
You are too cute! Stay SEXY!!! XOX LYNN


Premium Subscriber
Good Grief… There’s an impression burnt on my brain that won’t go away for a long time. More wasted brain cells. I didn’t know this place had a porn station. Now how do I turn it off ??


New Member
Cat Porn


  • Cat Porn.JPG
    Cat Porn.JPG
    191.6 KB · Views: 195


New Member

I see you've come (almost) all the way out on your political stance a few times here. Let me joyfully make an observation: :cool1:

I'll bet your liberal party-of-choice is proud as hell of you. :tongue: Congratulations! :U Rock:

Your style, your looks, your truck and workmanship, and most of all.....your ATTITUDE.... embodies THE absolute quintessential LIBERAL. The perfect image for your class! :thumb:


HIP, HIP.................

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
Colin said:
Hey Fred, it says: "No items in bad taste" whatup?

Taste is subjective Colin. I'm reminded of the closing line of the Don Johnson epic "A Boy and His Dog" where after consuming the wicked babe in order to survive the dog says to the boy:

"I wouldn't say she had good taste ... but I would say that she tasted good." :thumb:


New Member

That's not where you do her nails....is it? :tongue:


ps.....Happy B-Day Sassy!!! Great dogs Fred! (my favorite coffee shop/owner has pugs for like EVER....plus my niece just got one down in FLA on the naval base housing they live in ) :thumb: