Well, I can't argue with you Gino. I guess my background has always given me a sense of security in this area.......that, and the fact that its (lack of a better word) illegal in PA. Besides, what store would want the reputation of selling extreme expired product to their customers.
Don't get me wrong..... If I purchased a box of cake mix that had expired 2 weeks ago, I wouldn't give it much thought. I'd even give all the kids a slice.
if the food was so toxic that they sell at grocery stores many more people would be dying at a much younger age...
Um, not so! It's a slow poisoning process. Do the research, you'd be amazed. The childhood obesity epidemic is just the beginning. If people were dying at a young age, then there would be something done about it... changes would be made quite quickly! People still live till the ripe old age of 50 or 60, but check out how many are "supporting" the pharmaceutical industry by the time they hit that age! Why, because they've been slowly poisoned all their lives!
One specific example is Aspartame! Do a google search for "the health benefits of aspartame". Let me know what you find! Just a little FYI... you know those little "pouches" you get in with most pills these days, the ones that absorb moisture and say "do not eat".... the main ingredient in those is silica. Use your favorite internet search engine and check out the main ingredient in Aspartame, one of the world's most popular ARTIFICIAL sweeteners that you find in just about everything these days. Would it surprise you to know that its main ingredient is silica? Yet, we are warned not to eat it! Go figure!![]()
I am striving to be the first person killed by Mountain Dew...
I am striving to be the first person killed by Mountain Dew...
He goes through about 3 or 4..... 2-liter bottles while at work alone. He's only 25 and weighs in at about 310lbs. [He's only about 5'7" or 8"]. He eats only processed foods and shoots lotsa guns, but not at food possibilities.
You might be running a close 2nd.
That's a false sense of security. You need to be responsible for your own actions.
I hear ya baz. Our Dollar General is pretty clean here. But have you noticed how many places sell "groceries" these days? CVS, Kmart, Walmart....ect. Everyone wants to sell groceries. I remember when the first SUPER walmart came to this area. I bought some pepperoni, and it was the most rancid piece of meat. By the way....the wife dosen't buy your "typical" perishables from these places (ie. eggs, meat, milk, cheese....ect). She will occasionally purchase "canned" goods, crackers, nuts or maybe cookies.I would not buy food from a dollar store!
Well, c'mon T3... in all fairness, I wouldn't go up to a cow and take a bite right out of her side and think I was eating a hamburger or steak. It has to be tenderized, preservatives added, dyes added, chemicals from the fattening up process for more yield and let's not forget the hormones and additives they're fed while being raised in those food factories.
So, to be fair.... there is silicon for human consumption and silicon not for human consumption. Just read the label and you'll know which one you can eat or not... and how it's been made and treated. :Big Laugh
Hey sky.... not to get into a p!ssing match with ya..... but..........................
LOL....but???? I wouldn't expect anything else from you buddy.
When you buy a bag of chips or milk off the shelf.... you're telling me you don't read the expiration dates to get the freshest bag or bottle ??
When you buy medicine off the shelf, not prescription.... you don't look at the expiration date ??
Okay, you have a bottle of aspirin at home in the medicine cabinet and you know it's been around a long time.... don't you read to see if it expired before you put it in your mouth ??
Highly perishable items, yes I do check the exp. date. Milk especially. Chips NEVER.
Do you know how many people hang out at the deli counters and meat departments in grocery stores because at a certain time.... things before they totally expire will sometimes be cut 50% in price, just to sell it. That's a fact - jack.
Won't find me there looking for a bargain on meat. yuck.
Jack? LOL, you know better.
Coming to my house or shop and you break the railing and fall, after I stop laughing at you.... I'll help ya up and if anything's broken, I'll contact my insurance company. If you slipped on your own free will and hurt yourself.... I'll still contact my insurance company. Then I'll ask... how much were you drinking or how many out-a-date aspirins did you take earlier that day.
Your railing was loose. Dammit, maintain your property. (or read better)
I don't see the connection at all. I didn't give you anything ahead of time to base your fall on except an invite and you could as well turned it down if you have a fear of falling. Some people make a habit of taking advantage of others by falsely accusing others of neglect, when in fact, they created the whole ordeal on their own and were trying to fake liability.
If you go up and do some work on an electric sign and are the last known person working on it and some guy a year down the road goes up to service the sign..... let's say he's zapped... and pretty darned good and has to go to the hospital due to a faulty ground or wire connection that he didn't even touch.... would you be liable or him for not knowing you mis-wired something ??
Always remember to turn off electric....INSPECT.....then re-energize if need be to do any testing. (no charge for the free advice)