new email sent.
Hm right last as long as white shirt. First person I ever heard say that
...good customer service is like honey to a bee, always take in consideration who's reading your words. You never know how you will effect the opinions of potential clients.
your observing skills could improve a bit... besides the fact that S&F has had an attitude for weeks... he started the cursing in post 19, and later in post 35 made an uneducated, unfounded claim of superiority of his products fade resistance vs. AAG's product. She called the claim BS (not the claimant), which she believed it to be, an which has been supported by multiple posters following that exchange. To end that post with "I don't have to beg for $6 jobs just to have business" was a pretty innocent and polite rebuke to someone who just slandered her product. Pretty funny too, I might add!I'm just an observer and don't know anyone personally on this forum. The way I read everything, I don't think Sign&Frame got an attitude until AirArtGirl started using profanity. I probably would have responded in the same fashion. Using curse words in any circumstance is not professional and quickly changes the tone of a conversation.
just my $.02
Ha o it your wife oops. Me out of control well that cute and funny you can't read this
I showed what you lil' incompediant fellows wrote and they all thought you guys were the ass and not me. Innocent ha, I beg to differ. I got attitude because there is this male d**K swinging contest of oh who can figure out to be more rude.
I have right of freedom of speech so sorry that is something you can't handle.