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Peculiar things you keep around the shop


New Member

not when the party is just getting started :)

(gigi told me I was conspicuously delinquent in my posting lately & invited me to this after hours thread... so let's see what I can contribute)

Letterbox Mike

New Member
Oh good god. I may need a minute or three to gather my thoughts...

BTW, ironically I have a customer who always has those with him and "swears by them". He was hanging out at the shop one Lego and Beer day and we almost got a demonstration. True story.

edit: that is sad. Those go bad you know.


New Member
oh they're bigger than i remember... not like little pop rocks at all.

sooooo.... come on... who's up next?

i'm not digging out anything else till someone else steps up.


New Member
ok, not as racy as oral sex candy, rubber rings or handcuffs... but this collection of peculiarity IS where several of my illicit secrets do get stashed from time to time... but for now, let me draw your attention to my newest addition, an antique 30" dummy missile from the US Navy..



New Member
hey... i see you voyeurs...
archie, Bly, Flame, ForgeInc, GAC05, Intense01, iSign+, jjwstar, john1, mikey-Oh+, Out There, ProWraps, Rick+, tikiboyz, Welder.man

come on now... ya gotta pay to play... let's have a peek at your stuff


New Member
gigi... you already set the bar on that score!

here... maybe this is more in the spirit of breaking the monotony around here...

it's interesting when a girl lets you know she thinks you are like her knight in shining armor...

...even more interesting when the not-so-easily-overlooked-gift required keeping my then-significant-other in the dark about it's origin or it's meaning :omg:

this little detail has made this old gift one I've enjoyed keeping around a little more for the sake of those sordid memories...



New Member
Some reason this thread reminds me o' the attached.
Kinda thinking Doug'll be alright with a missile

Worth Softball Bat and a loaded MP3 player here... tunes and effective dezombifying tool


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