my collection is disturbingly similar to Flame's - minus the furry stuff....
wayne k
guam usa
... but for now, let me draw your attention to my newest addition, an antique 30" dummy missile from the US Navy..
here i am... checking out flame's collection
here's a collection i've posted before. just something to look at while i go look around for something more exciting to post.
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Yeah, that Corgi is way too cute!
Okay, I'm adding another somethin' that my brother gave me. He is the best!
He likes to carve and has taken down lots of trees on his land. So, he came up with this thing for me... I drilled holes in it's head, if it's going to get a prominent space in my studio and if it is going to take up important table top spacethen it has to be functional!!! So, it holds many of my smaller brushes.
I am ashamed to admit I have no ideas what those are... O rings or something? Forgive my ignorance... What are they for?
Anyone remember these, state-of-the art at the time?