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Random thoughts for a kinder, gentler S101

Dan Antonelli

New Member
Just a thought - I wonder if there might be less hostility towards one another if everyone's avatar was their actual photo, and everyone nickname was their actual name.

Somehow I think it might instill a little more kindness in our posts, as it's harder to be rude to 'Tom Jones' and his headshot, than it is to to 'Trskjas' (or some other meaningless name) and his random avatar .

Consider if the guy was hanging out with you having a beer, would you verbally say the same thing face to face that you just posted?

I dunno, just a thought.

Recent events notwithstanding, I think it's easy to maybe forget why we joined S101 in the first place. I thought it was to learn, to share knowledge. Quite frankly, the more educated everyone is, the easier it is for the profession to be taken seriously. Sure it's easy to be pissed at the newbies, or soccer moms with the cricuts. But there's little to be gained personally by putting down someones work with an equal dose of superiority, and few insults thrown in for good measure.

Respect in the community should be earned for sure. But no one here was born a brilliant designer. Let me post some of my work from 25 years ago and we'll have a good laugh about how much I sucked. And I'll tell you one thing - as a 20 year old kid with not a lot of self confidence - if I had a forum of people tell me repeatedly how much my work sucked, I might have just quit and believed them.

So maybe just something to keep in mind. For me personally, I've learned the more I can give back to others in the business, the more it comes back to help me. I feel an obligation to try and help as much as I can because of the others who came before have helped me.


New Member
Yes, some are a little out of the box when it comes to using a little diplomacy. Personally I am trying moving away from any attack posts.

One the other hand..
Handles/nicknames on websites were developed long ago for a reason. Specific security reasons in fact.

There is only one site I use a real name but not a real photo. Yes, its an old way old doing things on the web but I feel comfortable doing it that way.
I use a nickname most others here but after a while most every one in the business knows who we are anyway.


New Member
with you- I will do it- I will post my pick as my avatar- and Hi my name is Rachel- nice to meet you all
I have been in the biz since 1
93 and lettering since 1986 and must say I am intimidated by this group...

Mr. Sign Pro

New Member
Great thought Dan. I totally agree. I think people would respond much different to an actual person that they can "see" and put a name to the face.


New Member

My name is Shawn and I am a signs101 addict.

I do not consider myself a noob but am far from a seasoned pro too. I have learned a great deal here and from everyone's recommended reading (Thanks Dan for putting out great books).


New Member
hi my name is chris, and im stoked lexsigns posted her picture (stalker mode activated).

yes i agree with this new standard!

but seriously, that dan guy, god, can we get rid of his picture on his avatar.. *shivers*


New Member


  • goat_roper.jpg
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New Member
I'm all for helping, and I do try to be nice.
I almost always use my own pic and I've used the same nickname on sign forums since 2001.

But lately I find myself not as willing to help, because some people don't listen, some don't care, and others take but never give. I am sick of the mentality of "anyone can do it". Everyone is doing it. When I started I sucked too, and there were no forums helping me. I got help by going to Letterhead meets and having sign mentors.

I'm sorry if I am feeling a bit burned out on the whole deal, This is the first week I've had any real work to speak of since last July. I resent having to get a real job and I hate seeing my neck of the woods polluted with ugly signs that break every rule, and having my prices lowballed by newbs who plain don't know or care.

I admire you, Dan, I always have. And Fred and so many others.


Quit buggin' me
Prowraps looks just like the guy in Whitehouse.
I don't know if photos and real names are going to change people's behavior if they are having trouble being civil right now.

Now if the requirement was for nude avatars I know I would post a lot less.

wayne k
guam usa


New Member
Sorry, but I still hate everyone and refuse to be nice. My name is Bob and my goal in life is to grow up and be just like Bob from Earth, only I'm from Mars.


New Member
Everytime I try posting pics from my phone it gets edited so I'll have to wait til tomorrow to change my av. But this (if it still a working link) was me cooking Thanksgiving 5 am on our NBC news affiliate this last year.


The site I admin has a ever so popular "post your mug" thread. Random av's sometimes tell more about someone than their face.


Certified Enneadecagon Designer
I was 100% sure Lexsigns was a dude.... sowwy

I don't know if I can post my pic, I'm not the prettiest man....


New Member
Well my pic is up. In case anyone noticed I am not winking. I was born blind and deaf on my left side. Anyway.
My thoughts on the thread are as follows. There are indeed a select few people on here that are aggressive, intimidating, testosterone filled and down right rude when it comes to dialog. I admit I gave it back when I got it, but how sad it has to come to that in the first place.

Good thread Dan.

Now despite what anyone thinks of me, I would literally give anyone on here the shirt off my back, or the dollar out of my pocket. Anyone that knows me would verify that. What happened with the logo incident, was a bit out of context, and I could and should have been much clearer from the get go. However, I will say the select few I mentioned above make it quite nerve racking to want to post certain information on this site.

I mean who wants to hear insults and trash talk over and over and over. To the point, that if someone posts a logo, it is predictable the responses that will show up and who will post them.

I would be willing to bet some good money that others would be willing to partake in the community if it wasn't so nasty and hostile.

At this point I am not going to apologize anymore. I will be better about disclosing information moving into the future, and I hope I can contribute in some way to others down the road.