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Random thoughts for a kinder, gentler S101

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member

fred are we doing this thing again? the one where you exaggerate the truth about what im doing.

didnt we catch you in this same thing months ago? i dont know the thread but ill look it up.

i said one thing to addie. come one fred. your starting to worry me.

Don't you count your "why wasnt it addie?" comment just quoted or the now deleted tags you added onto threads?

Chris you know what you do and so do I. You're talented and you're often helpful. But you are also rude at times. It would be great for Signs 101 if you lost that trait.


New Member
I'm probably the youngest entrepreneur out of anyone here. My name is Adam. I like Pasta. I have a dog name boss.. who's a boss. Got married almost a year ago.

I lived in bermuda for 18 years, and have a two houses there. So if anyone wants to visit LET ME KNOW. You can stay on my boat.

I like turtles too.


New Member
ok my bad. two posts....

sorry its late, i can barely remember the second one.

i think it had to do with drowing coons, and/or drowning addie.

im thinking the real problem is that i have a problem with monsters that drown animals.

maybe you are okay with it (drowning helpless animals while you watch). i dunno.

im tired. lets continue this fight in the morning. maybe you read my thread on a little site called signs101 about wrapping a sprinter in 7 hours. IM WRECKED. some of us preach, some of us do.

good night fred.


New Member
I'm probably the youngest entrepreneur out of anyone here. My name is Adam. I like Pasta. I have a dog name boss.. who's a boss. Got married almost a year ago.

I lived in bermuda for 18 years, and have a two houses there. So if anyone wants to visit LET ME KNOW. You can stay on my boat.

I like turtles too.

I'm sure I'm younger.

Wasup y'all, I'm :flamey: , I'm hot, make hot stickers, and like fast cars, fast motorcycles and dark sunglasses. Also have a soft spot for armadillos. I :loveya: Gigi's o-rings, Pro Wraps choppa, Shovelheads tats, D-Strikers P-town stories and really want some of Signboys pork roll.

About all I got for now.


I'm probably the youngest entrepreneur out of anyone here. My name is Adam. I like Pasta. I have a dog name boss.. who's a boss. Got married almost a year ago.

I lived in bermuda for 18 years, and have a two houses there. So if anyone wants to visit LET ME KNOW. You can stay on my boat.

I like turtles too.

I may have you beat but i am not sure of your age or Flames, I'm 24, 25 in May :thumb:


New Member
A kinder, gentler experience? What, my avatar doesn't scream kind and gentle?
Relax Dan, its only a squirt gun.

I really want some of Signboys pork roll.

:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: REALLY????? Did you really say that on the open forum????? :ROFLMAO:
That has to go into the hall of fame threads.

Can't help ya out with any "pork roll", but I have some Italian sausage......but you can't have any!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm saving any extra, in hopes I can find a barter for some "O" rings.


Active Member
good post! It can be downright rude in here. If you suck I'm gonna tell you, if your good I'm gonna tell you. I doubt I will ever post my work asking for an opinion because I'm satisfied with it and really do not need conflicting imput, not being arrogant but if it ain't broke......

I like it in here. It's entertaining, educational and most people are FOS!:thumb: Aside from posting pics I wish people would be more truthful about their charges and what they got or would have gotten for something. Instead of impressing a bunch of other people on a bulletin board of how expensive they are.

We are all different and that doesnt make us right or wrong, however it does get aggravating as hell. I tend to do things more simple, more "away from the book" and I know that aggravates the hell out of certain people

I am bruce ward from montgomery, al you can check out what little bit of a life I have on facebook


New Member
Tom Hitchcock. My business is Farmboy Graphics, hence my nickname. That's about as interesting as I get.


New Member
Good post Dan. Some people just don't understand common civility and good manners, have forgotten the road they traveled to achieve their success or how important it is to help mentor those that seek help.

Signs 101 and the many participants here have been a huge help to me. The business suggestions, the critiques of peoples works, the merchant members and the many members who I have met and worked with here are what this site is really all about. I simply ignore those that seek their fame by being rude and disruptive. Paying attention to them only validates their actions.

To Fred, the merchant members, Jill, Gino, Dennis, Joe C., Mort, the thoughtful and helpful posters and the many I consider friends on this forum, THANK YOU.
Great thread!

In pic I am in upper right corner on a joy filled day,
at in The Breeze Ranch outside Tampa (shameless plug of a non merchant member),


  • horses.jpg
    28.6 KB · Views: 138

Locals Find!

New Member
My name is Jason E Jones. You know me as Addie. Many of you dislike me some tolerate me, others enjoy my friendship. I am 33 have 3 kids and a GF. Two large dogs. I served in the Air Force. I like to learn what I can and am going back to college to learn more about art to improve my skills. I have been inspired by many on here including Dan & even Gino (Seriously). I play poker for fun and am an avid reader/student of History. I don't drown animals for fun, I don't even hunt. I love animals and grew up on a farm.

I am an A***ole at times. I freely admit that. I am rough, cynical and sometimes anti-social, but I can be a good friend. I generally appreciate everyone on here and respect your opinions even though we don't always agree. The 14th was my birthday and I have decided to no longer rise to the bait many throw out there to lure me into more arguments.(Like drowning or shooting me) I hope to contribute more and will no longer be posting about anything other than business related things.


New Member
I totally agree with this, and wonder if I would've gotten the same reaction out of some if I had seen them face to face. And yes, I'm talking about you Gino. I guarantee you wouldn't have taken the tone you did If I was looking you right in the eye. not to mention the rest of your "minions" that kiss as$ to be in the "cool" club... You guys must have been dorks and made fun of in high school, so you try to take it out on someone "new" to this site. I'm not new to design, and I'm not new to forums. It's a trend for insecure people on forums to pick on people that just joined, no matter there experience or level of professionalism.

I came across this site, (because I use forums for a lot of other things I'm involved in to get information) and I just can't believe the level of hate that some of you display. This might be the most hate filled site I frequent. But, unfortunately, I haven't found another forum that also has this amount of relevant info, once you sort through the bs...

The one thing that really bothers me about this place. people will post up stuff for critique, and basically the same people always respond with terrible comments, just trashing the person. The worst part is that most of these people say they have to be blunt and tell them how terrible they are cause they don't have time to properly discuss. If you only have time to beat some one down, keep you F*cking mouth shut!

And Gino, if you take offense to this, send me your address, I'm close enough to come by and speak with you in person about your negative comments.


New Member
I totally agree with this, and wonder if I would've gotten the same reaction out of some if I had seen them face to face. And yes, I'm talking about you Gino. I guarantee you wouldn't have taken the tone you did If I was looking you right in the eye. not to mention the rest of your "minions" that kiss as$ to be in the "cool" club... You guys must have been dorks and made fun of in high school, so you try to take it out on someone "new" to this site. I'm not new to design, and I'm not new to forums. It's a trend for insecure people on forums to pick on people that just joined, no matter there experience or level of professionalism.

I came across this site, (because I use forums for a lot of other things I'm involved in to get information) and I just can't believe the level of hate that some of you display. This might be the most hate filled site I frequent. But, unfortunately, I haven't found another forum that also has this amount of relevant info, once you sort through the bs...

The one thing that really bothers me about this place. people will post up stuff for critique, and basically the same people always respond with terrible comments, just trashing the person. The worst part is that most of these people say they have to be blunt and tell them how terrible they are cause they don't have time to properly discuss. If you only have time to beat some one down, keep you F*cking mouth shut!

And Gino, if you take offense to this, send me your address, I'm close enough to come by and speak with you in person about your negative comments.

... i think you missed the point here...


New Member
good thread.

I have noticed recently how harsh the welcome can be to people with serious questions (or even typos).
I don't completely agree people have to use real name or avatars, but I do think there should be more censure when an *** starts braying.

I for one am no longer going to use George Clooney as my avitar...

Ok I'll use it for a bit longer


New Member
... i think you missed the point here...

And what point is that?

People act like d!cks and say it's for our best interest?

That's ok?

Please explain to me why it's ok for certain people on this site to be d!cks to who ever they feel like.


New Member
send me your address, I'm close enough to come by and speak with you in person about your negative comments.

I think your taking an internet forum way too seriously dude. You could possibly be one good reason why some don't want to post up their real names. Say something that rubs you the wrong way, and look out.


New Member
And what point is that?

People act like d!cks and say it's for our best interest?

That's ok?

Please explain to me why it's ok for certain people on this site to be d!cks to who ever they feel like.

the point of this thread was not to call people out and berate them. Quite the opposite actually. Nobody said anything was all right, Just that they would like to see a level of civility return to the forum amidst a rather large thread vomit. name calling and finger pointing is not the answer, only self reflection.


New Member
The internet didn't use to be this way. Does anybody remember what it was like? I do.

Even with all the new flashy ads, social networks, streaming video.......

I think it was better back then.

Now days everywhere you go it's just negativity. Everywhere. Anywhere people are allowed to type text into becomes a haven of negativity and filth.

I just try to look past it and look at what the positive people have to say.

Edit - Would a member rating system be beneficial here? When someone is disruptive to an unacceptable level, decided by the community, they automatically get booted and blocked?

Circleville Signs

New Member
I'm really glad you posted this Dan - it is a good wake-up call for all of us.

I will be the first to admit that there are many times where I just get SO frustrated with some of the posts I see here from newbies that I can't (or choose not to) hold my tongue. It doesn't necessarily make it right, but as they say, sh!t happens.

For many of us (I can think of several), what gets our goat more than anything is not the newbies who are here to get help. I'm happy to help anyone with anything - with one caveat - they MUST take this profession seriously, and with the respect that it is due. SO MANY of these new folks have absolutely ZERO business being in THIS business. They have no experience. They have no talent. They have no work ethic. They simply have some cash, and because of the newer, low entry barrier to this business, they jump in thinking that it's all roses. That, in and of itself is annoying - but I could live with it.

Where it gets to the point of being unbearable is when those same people come here with an attitude of entitlement, as if all of the years of hard work i have put in learning what I know (and believe me, I still have A LOT to learn) mean nothing, and I should not only be willing to give that information away freely, but that i should do it in a manner that THEY are comfortable with - on their terms - and I should thank them for the opportunity to do so.

THAT is what frustrates me. That and dishonesty/theft.

I, for one, can tell you that I have never said a single thing on this, or any other forum/FB, etc., that I wouldn't say directly to someone's face. Maybe that makes me an a$$hole, but at least you know where I'm coming from.