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Random thoughts for a kinder, gentler S101


New Member
Having suffered unjustly at the hands of a certified [and subsequently prosecuted and deposited in the local fool farm as a permanent resident] internet stalker, when I revel my actual name and likeness notify the media, hell has frozen over.

As far as mewling pleas for a kinder, gentler forum: These are words, just words. In the history of the entire human race no one no where no how has ever been harmed by words. Unless perhaps someone was run over by a truck filled with newspapers or smacked in the face with a dictionary.

If someone chooses to be offended or have their no doubt delicate feelings hurt because of some words placed in a row by someone else, that's their choice and their responsibility. They can deal with it.

As for myself, I make every attempt to write the truth as I see it. I admit to the occasional use of hyperbole in doing so. If that should upset someone then they'll most likely be upset. While I generally am not interested in the self-inflicted angst of others I do admit to being sufficiently perverse as to find it entertaining because it is self-inflicted. People choosing to beat up on themselves is invariably amusing.

Gratuitous praise for mediocre and worse work is something in which I will never indulge. Likewise meaningless praise for good work will not be forthcoming. You're supposed to do good work, it's supposed to be normal, not praiseworthy.

:goodpost: This guy right here, he knows the score.


New Member
Having suffered unjustly at the hands of a certified [and subsequently prosecuted and deposited in the local fool farm as a permanent resident] internet stalker, when I revel my actual name and likeness notify the media, hell has frozen over.

Ha! (not funny) I should have guessed. Once I wraped my mind around your thought process it became much more enjoyable to read your posts....

I still havent figured out how many suns on the horizon, but the next time I get to watch a sunset, I'm going to time how long it takes to go from tip to set, and do my math in reverse.


New Member
But THIS thread isn't the place to continue the beef - THAT is the point people are trying to make.

Look, I want nothing more then to be able to talk with people in a constructive situation. That's how it is on all the other forums I frequent. And yes, I understand what constructive criticism is... But most of it is just criticism...

I read through the logo design threads a lot, to watch how the process goes from the original posted design, to what the finished products looks like. But what really sucks is the amount of people just beating up on the OP. That, is not cool no matter how you try to spin your words.

And COSigns, pretty easy to say that when you're in CO and I'm in PA...

J Hill Designs

New Member

Jesse Hill
Grew up in Tahoe
Graduated Music Industry from Chico State
Play punk rock bass and accordion
Manage a sign shop.
Have 1 girlfriend, 1 dog, and 1 cat.


Heres an awesome pic of me that my friend took at some party.


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New Member
To get back to Dan's original post, I'd like to introduce a pic of myself. I'm Kelli, 42 yrs old, been in the biz since 1989, single mom to an almost 5 yr old lil' girl, owned a sign shop for 10 yrs but now I'm back working for someone else, and I'm very close to finally finishing my graphic design degree. I love jambands, hippie stuff and long walks on the beach.

I don't get involved with drama here because it's my choice not to. I have alot going on in my life and just don't have time to fit in all the internet drama. Maybe one day! :wink:


Roper of Goats. Old ones.

Jesse Hill
Grew up in Tahoe
Graduated Music Industry from Chico State
Play punk rock bass and accordion
Manage a sign shop.
Have 1 girlfriend, 1 dog, and 1 cat.


Heres an awesome pic of me that my friend took at some party.

I always wondered what the "J" was...

BTW, I'm Dennis... and that's all y'all getting from me...


New Member
My purpose for being a member here is to ban ugly signs if at all possible through education and by example. I try very hard to stay on sign topics as much as possible. Occasionally I'll get sucked into the drama, and even then I try to refrain from having an opinion if it won't make for a better sign or design. Some of the best people who frequent this site, say the least. You have to admire someone who knows it's better to not to insert one's foot in one's mouth. I'm still learning even after all these years when it's best to not hit send...


New Member
My purpose for being a member here is to ban ugly signs if at all possible through education and by example. I try very hard to stay on sign topics as much as possible. Occasionally I'll get sucked into the drama, and even then I try to refrain from having an opinion if it won't make for a better sign or design. Some of the best people who frequent this site, say the least. You have to admire someone who knows it's better to not to insert one's foot in one's mouth. I'm still learning even after all these years when it's best to not hit send...

I think we all have this problem from time to time!


New Member
OK I changed my av. This is me skating in my shop clipped from this video.


My name is Brian McClenahan I'm 38 I like skateboarding, fast cars, having fun, drinking beer and above all my wife and almost 3 year old son Miles. I really don't see any reason to hide behind fake names and pictures. But more power to you if you disagree. I am the exact same person in every form of life. I have no problem with people as long as they don't lie, or morally do something I strongly disagree with. I wear flip flops and shorts in the summer, if you don't want to buy a sign from me because of this fine. I can't stand fake people, I have been at many of social events and had people not give me the time of day until they find out I own my own business. When you meet me business will be the last thing I ever bring up.

As far as this site goes, I LOVE IT. Being involved with other sites I know you have to earn your way. I want to reply to almost every thread but there is nothing worse than the over active new guy. This place is so chock full of good info its sickening. Self policing is extremely important for a healthy online community. Even the rogue uncalled for slam is important in reality checks. And most I see that fall into this category here get checked by other members. The things I look back on that motivated me enough are the negative things people have said to me. Nothing makes me work harder than someone telling me I can't do something. Everyone makes mistakes it how you improve yourself because of those mistakes that makes you stronger.

Unless you look like lexisigns av you never just instantly fit in.

EDIT: I'm not the fat guy in the video busting the bottle over my head, I just filmed it.

EDIT 2: tsgstl is my website it stands for The Sign Guy St. Louis. I'm not proud of it, I just had to get something together and we changed most of the info from my brother in laws site that he no longer needed. One of my goals this year is to revamp it entirely.


New Member
Oh and here is a pic of what I do in all my spare time...

The first pic is me racing in Florida this February and the other five are of the car before it was raced this season!


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New Member
Oh and here is a pic of what I do in all my spare time...

The first pic is me racing in Florida this February and the other five are of the car before it was raced this season!

Good lord man your what like 19? Save some of the good moments so you got things to look forward too haha
I love racing of any kind, never make money off of them but it is cool seeing my logo on the backs of so many cars at the track.

Locals Find!

New Member
EGI having felt the way your feeling now. Listen to me please when I say this. Please just STOP! It's not going to solve anything in this thread. It's Friday just relax and enjoy the weekend ahead of you. Come back Monday refreshed and a more positive attitude and maybe things will improve. No guarantees, but don't let S101 ruin a good weekend.


New Member
Gotta say, I really love this thread. Amazing how many people are so attached to the chip on their shoulder.

I can't reveal my name for business purposes, and trust me you ain't missing anything on the picture. My business partner and I on April 15, 2011 opened up our sign business. We too are a franchise operation (Signworld). He left the company I work for at that time, and I have stayed on for the time being. We have done very well in a little less than a year, and it looks as though I will be able to join the business full time in a couple more months.

I am 62 years old. I have done about everything. Bell Hop, Watchmaker / Jeweler, electronics technician, office machine salesman, art foundry owner, lock and safe technician (Mosler Safe Company), Operations Manager for an international electronic security company, etc. Now half owner of a budding young sign company.

I found Signs101 searching the internet. Looked like a great place to learn stuff, and it has been. Early on I found so many gems of knowledge. Lately, not so much. Oh, they are still there, but it seems less frequent.

I have been involved in the internet since it was born. The nastiness referenced seems endemic. For me, I state my thoughts in a civil manner and then just let it go. People are what they are and some are just nasty by nature.

I look forward to learning from you awesome folks that have knowledge to share and I will certainly share what I have when I feel it is worthwhile.


Look, I want nothing more then to be able to talk with people in a constructive situation. That's how it is on all the other forums I frequent. And yes, I understand what constructive criticism is... But most of it is just criticism...

I read through the logo design threads a lot, to watch how the process goes from the original posted design, to what the finished products looks like. But what really sucks is the amount of people just beating up on the OP. That, is not cool no matter how you try to spin your words.

And COSigns, pretty easy to say that when you're in CO and I'm in PA...
Thanks for the post Dan.

I really love signs101, I get a lot of information (mostly by searching and lurking). However, the common feel of this forum is rough. I have never posted my logo for help (which it needs, badly and I know it) because, like EGI mentioned, most is just plain harsh criticism. Criticism is fine, and necessary, but the way some criticise is just for them to have fun at crushing the OP.

On the flip side, there are a LOT of helpful people on here and I appreciate all the ones that have helped me on my noob posts.

Hi, I'm Rachel, live in Utah. I kind of fell into the sign game because of my love of the automobile. I started doing decals for a local car forum and it just keeps growing from there. I now own a small grunt cutter and a Roland CJ-540 converted to eco-sol.

I love all the aspects of doing decals, stickers, banners etc. and wish I could do it full time as my main source of income. Unfortunately, I can't even come close to doing that so I have a 9-5 job to pay the bills and do the graphics I love as a side job. I plan to start taking some graphics design classes starting next winter as I know this will help tremendously. I also really enjoy the install process. I really enjoy seeing the finished product driving on the track or down the street.

I am one of the ones most on here love to hate, because I don't have design background, I am just learning as much as I can as I go. No, I didn't start with a cricket BTW.

Thank you to the members of signs101 for all the help you offer.

changed the avatar, but only for a bit. I don't have many pictures of me as I would MUCH rather be behind the camera than in front of it. This was taken on a camping trip to arches.
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New Member
Good lord man your what like 19? Save some of the good moments so you got things to look forward too haha
I love racing of any kind, never make money off of them but it is cool seeing my logo on the backs of so many cars at the track.

I know, I know :smile: but I'm having fun! :wink:


New Member
Look, I want nothing more then to be able to talk with people in a constructive situation. That's how it is on all the other forums I frequent. And yes, I understand what constructive criticism is... But most of it is just criticism...

I read through the logo design threads a lot, to watch how the process goes from the original posted design, to what the finished products looks like. But what really sucks is the amount of people just beating up on the OP. That, is not cool no matter how you try to spin your words.

And COSigns, pretty easy to say that when you're in CO and I'm in PA...

Dropping the e-thug might help a lil on making friends. I'm on a lot of forums, this one is pretty friendly honestly. IMO it was harsher a few years ago but has since gotten pretty good. Learn to have a lil thick skin and you could learn a lot.

sar bossier

New Member
To get back to Dan's original post, I'd like to introduce a pic of myself. I'm Kelli, 42 yrs old, been in the biz since 1989, single mom to an almost 5 yr old lil' girl, owned a sign shop for 10 yrs but now I'm back working for someone else, and I'm very close to finally finishing my graphic design degree. I love jambands, hippie stuff and long walks on the beach.

I don't get involved with drama here because it's my choice not to. I have alot going on in my life and just don't have time to fit in all the internet drama. Maybe one day! :wink:

WIDESPREAD PANIC! Kelli, I'm Shelli (LOL!!) a fellow hippie chick :wink::toasting::rock-n-roll: