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Random thoughts for a kinder, gentler S101


New Member
Great idea and thread! I have updated my profile pic - I am the guy on the right. Been in the business for a little over 8 years and am a Roland tech and a trainer for Imprintables Warehouse on the Versacamm's. My wife and I have a sign and embroidery shop in upstate NY.


New Member
This is a rather unexpected thread.

Hey everyone,

I agree that this forum isn't exactly full of pleasant people, or rather people don't act pleasantly(not all of you) I'm used to being on forums(in other interests) where people are actually really friendly, and become sort of a group. I think some of you value yourselves alittle too much. The entire purpose of why a forum was started is to share information in a common interest, and have a free flow of information, as far as I know.

I actually think the problems that happen here is because most of you are older, and not so up with the new generation, and how most of us are pretty friendly to each other. You shouldn't think that ohh man they are going to steal my ideas if I post them here, and make it big, or think you deserve some compensation for posting your idea, or spending time here.

I do want some of you to realize you guys act like the big media companies, and RIAA in regards to piracy. It's like your stuck in the old days, and not in with the new. If you make some awesome font, and people like it they will donate money to you for sharing it, or if you have some awesome clipart you did, or some awesome book if people like it they will donate money to you, or pay you. This opensource stuff is what us new generation believe in. I mean maybe a limited opensource where if you try it out, you like it, you buy it. If it sucks, you don't buy it. I don't know if you guys get what I mean, but I know most people in the new generation will. You old dogs need to adapt to it.. Seriously, lookup about Louis C.K. how he made a new comedy video, paid for it by himself, and was totally open to it being torrented, but also on his site had where you can buy it for $5.00. Tons of people bought it, and some torrented it, but he made more doing it on his own, then going through all the recording studios stuff.

d fleming

New Member
Ok I'll play. I always go by my name on forums. D Fleming. D stands for Dave. As for the avatar pic, it's one of my Dobermans, Dude. I have 5. Music, art, fishing and the occasional round of golf. That's about it. Here's my pretty smiling face with one of my friends at a music benefit we played together at. His name is Randall, I'm the guy on the left who isn't in the rock n roll hall of fame.


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Merchant Member
Whats up guys and gals Im Josh for those of you that dont know me, Im 35 years old and have been dealing in large format consumables for about 15 years now and love what I do. I am an avid fisherman and also a pee-wee football coach for 10-11 year olds.


Premium Subscriber
This is a rather unexpected thread.

Hey everyone,

I agree that this forum isn't exactly full of pleasant people, or rather people don't act pleasantly(not all of you) I'm used to being on forums(in other interests) where people are actually really friendly, and become sort of a group. I think some of you value yourselves alittle too much. The entire purpose of why a forum was started is to share information in a common interest, and have a free flow of information, as far as I know.

I actually think the problems that happen here is because most of you are older, and not so up with the new generation, and how most of us are pretty friendly to each other. You shouldn't think that ohh man they are going to steal my ideas if I post them here, and make it big, or think you deserve some compensation for posting your idea, or spending time here.

I do want some of you to realize you guys act like the big media companies, and RIAA in regards to piracy. It's like your stuck in the old days, and not in with the new. If you make some awesome font, and people like it they will donate money to you for sharing it, or if you have some awesome clipart you did, or some awesome book if people like it they will donate money to you, or pay you. This opensource stuff is what us new generation believe in. I mean maybe a limited opensource where if you try it out, you like it, you buy it. If it sucks, you don't buy it. I don't know if you guys get what I mean, but I know most people in the new generation will. You old dogs need to adapt to it.. Seriously, lookup about Louis C.K. how he made a new comedy video, paid for it by himself, and was totally open to it being torrented, but also on his site had where you can buy it for $5.00. Tons of people bought it, and some torrented it, but he made more doing it on his own, then going through all the recording studios stuff.

:ROFLMAO: you must be a democrat................. :Big Laugh

Couldn't resist it

Really, I don't think anyone really needs to change... we all need to work closer together to make this industry what it once was. A strong arena from where we can make a good living and remain on top. Telling someone to change, is a little over the top. You can suggest it or invite someone to look into some other avenues, but to be pompous about such things is just not :cool1: .


New Member

I guess I don't really mean change. I'm not sure what I mean. I kind of get the feeling on here like we all are competing against each other instead of working together. I'm not necessarily talking about you, but just in general.

I mean we all should want to help each other grow our businesses, give tips, give critiques, etc.. Instead of competing. I believe there is room for ALL of us to have good design skills, printing jobs, etc.. I mean most of the people on here aren't trying to be the next Microsoft, but heck even if someone is they shouldn't stick their nose up. They should want to help us(me, or whoever) get where they are.

I come in peace!

Deaton Design

New Member
Ive held my tounge here on more than one occasion, because by jumping in the fray, it wouldnt help things any at all. I have had a couple of run ins so to speak, and Im definitely not proud of them. Now I just read and jump in when Ive got something to share or ask. Good post Dan, thanks.


New Member
Thank you Dan for this thread.

I am more of a lurker than anything, but I do get wonderful advice and help when I ask for it. I have been in graphics production since 2003 and have worked my way up the ladder from a technician to a pre-press manager. I know I can count on this forum when I need a helping hand, so thank you to all the senior members for what you provide to this community.


New Member
I am Marlene. I used to have my full name, company name and location as I am a sign professional and didn't think about any issues having all that out for everyone to see. a while ago, I changed it to just my real first name and state I live in for reasons I won't go into. what happened didn't happen to me personally but to another member here who was also very open as to who, what and where they were. I don't post a real photo of me as I am one of those people that has never had a decent photo taken of me ever. rather than post a pix of me in the middle of a yawn, with one eye shut or at such an angle that I look lopsided, I use my little feral cat Manny as that is what I am about. I love critters of all kinds. I'm a mom to a 30 year old named Erin and a granny to 2 year old Evan. I'm on my second hubby and he is a Canadian 14 years younger than me so I also am a cougar, meow. I am in real life just like I am here in the cyber world. if I come off sounding like a ***** to some, maybe hearing you drown animals pi$$ed me off or knowing you were using us for a contest didn't sit very well. I don't just blindly attack or lash out for no reason. I have told our friend bob to f'off probably more than anyone here but it isn't because I don't like him, I say the same thing to my hubby when we don't agree. maybe it is because I am an old lady and gew up being who you are with no way to hide is why I am am the same here as in real life. I have no diea what it is to hide behind a fake name and to be something I'm not.


New Member
hi my name is chris, and im stoked lexsigns posted her picture (stalker mode activated).

yes i agree with this new standard!

but seriously, that dan guy, god, can we get rid of his picture on his avatar.. *shivers*
lmao... ok i'm having lunch and you made french fries come out my nose! :)


Art! Hot and fresh.
Having suffered unjustly at the hands of a certified [and subsequently prosecuted and deposited in the local fool farm as a permanent resident] internet stalker, when I revel my actual name and likeness notify the media, hell has frozen over.

As far as mewling pleas for a kinder, gentler forum: These are words, just words. In the history of the entire human race no one no where no how has ever been harmed by words. Unless perhaps someone was run over by a truck filled with newspapers or smacked in the face with a dictionary.

If someone chooses to be offended or have their no doubt delicate feelings hurt because of some words placed in a row by someone else, that's their choice and their responsibility. They can deal with it.

As for myself, I make every attempt to write the truth as I see it. I admit to the occasional use of hyperbole in doing so. If that should upset someone then they'll most likely be upset. While I generally am not interested in the self-inflicted angst of others I do admit to being sufficiently perverse as to find it entertaining because it is self-inflicted. People choosing to beat up on themselves is invariably amusing.

Gratuitous praise for mediocre and worse work is something in which I will never indulge. Likewise meaningless praise for good work will not be forthcoming. You're supposed to do good work, it's supposed to be normal, not praiseworthy.

I love you bob, will you have my crass mouthed demon babies?

I was going to write something just like this. I will always try to be nice and helpful ... but this is after all a forum for pros of the business ... that being said, I will always speak truthfully of the work that is presented as if you're posting it here you deserve enough of my respect to not get a sugar coated critique or to have me hold your hand to the finish line ... my professors in college and any boss/mentor/peer I respect has never done that either. Sorry, just the breaks .. I like my life, my job/career, and really don't have the energy to try to be a 'friend' to people ... just myself.

That is not to say though that Dan is not wrong. I just talk to people the same way here as I do in real life ... one of the benefits of being a sarcastic *** hole. My likeness and real name have no real standing on this board, and in fact to know my name is Brian doesn't change the fact that you will undeniably say at one point and time 'man, that is harsh ... that guy is an a-hole' ... I will though try to not jump on any band wagons though.
I'll jump in, why not! My name is Brittany I'm 22. I was hired about a year and half ago at where I reside now, I love it here. I have been in the sign industry for... about a year and a half. Learning everyday and loving it! Attached is a picture from about 4 weeks ago, 30 weeks pregnant. With myself and my lil man who is growing everyday!


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New Member
And I'm sure the witness protection program wants to keep it that way!

There is more to this as a fact than you may think...

If you have ever received a phone call from an inmate threatening your family you will understand why..