Go Roland! Got a call from Roland Australia about half an hour ago - thanks Mr Hawkes - that was quick!
After talking in detail about system specs and config and nature of problem - although not 100% definite reason, I was advised that it's highly likely, that the biggest possible reason for this is that I'm using the one PC for RIP and Design software.
He said that there are heaps of machines that they run on XP 32 bit and have never had a REPORTED problem like this, and it's the first time hearing about it.
My question to 101'ers, is;
Is there anyone out there who has experienced this lock up phenomena who only uses the RIP PC solely for RIPping.
Interesting Jason,
So comes back to VW again.
He said the chain of command is to report it to your dealer, and the dealer then reports it to Roland... and that we as end users have no direct channel to Roland in this case...
Wonder why it's never been reported before... talk about a pain in the bum - and what assurance is there that the dealer will pass on the info to Roland?
I don't see why Roland doesn't let an end user send at least an email directly about reporting bugs and crashes. If I was a dealer, I sure as hell wouldn't want to have to be the central contact point for little bug reporting... can you imagine?
Jason, out of curiosity - what's your pagefile configuration? Just got some advice that making the PF a fixed size (rather than system managed) can ease things up. When it's on system managed, it changes it constantly.
If you run task manager while you have VW on, and have pagefile and physical memory columns on, you can see how much it's using. On mine, it seems to use a lot of PF mem and then you try changing things and updating and clicking OK, and you can see the PF size go up and down by around 30-40%?
I also just noticed that if I turn auto updates off in preference, the program loads up ALOT faster as well as closing down speed.
Just in case it's using more resources than necessary, I also turned preview to low quality and turned off monitor profiling.
Let's see how this goes...
In preferences, set to high quality display, with monitor profile.
bring in a big bitmap - say 50-60mb.
open up settings for the item, increase the copies to say 8.
on my system, it takes a while... i thought it almost locked up... but it pulled through (eventually).
Now start again, this time with low quality for preview, and no monitor profile, and try exactly the same thing on the exact same file.
The layout screen updates almost instantly and doesn't lag/hang at all.
Could simply be the preview quality putting too much burden on the system?