Sorry you feel that way. We have in fact given an overview "that doesn't give away the farm" but that is not satisfying the questions and comments that continue to be raised on this forum. Hence our offer to have a direct conversation with anyone interested in the details. Equally important, these details impact the OEMs, the dealerships and the end users, and goes beyond just what 3M does or does not want to share.
To those of you who have already contacted me, thanks for your initiative. And to others, my offer stands: if you are interested in the details of the program or have a specific situation you want to discuss, PM me with your contact info. I'll log in once a day to pick up any messages in my inbox.
Thank you so very much for taking the time out of your highly busy schedule to look in on us today. You've certainly got your way of doing things. Not to mention your way of avoiding the real facts. Clouding the waters with trivial baloney is a small man's way out. If not a small man's way, then your company and all of it's representatives must be feeble-minded.
You expect anyone to believe they're all gonna get the same story and all the same facts, when that's what this whole thread has been about.... your sly and cunningly artful way of marketing ??
I stayed on the fence in the beginning of this whole journey, knowing full well, you guys would come out on top when you reported all the facts. You've proved me 100% wrong. You've done nothing but create a cover-up and now you're blowing smoke up our a**es. In fact, in this diversion, you haven't cleared a single problem up or explained them. All I see now is a bunch of poppycock coming out of your mouth and smoke n' mirrors.
Ya know as well as I do, your company has been around for a very long time. You've had to change course and redirect many of your ventures over the years to regroup and remain successful. Your products.... I've heard of in so many fashions, it ain't even funny. Now, I do business with you guys and have been proud to say I use a lota 3M products. But now, this p!ss poor excuse of explaining.... simply disgusts me.
Sure, sure, you're sorry to hear that, but do you know how many aren't voicing because they don't even know what you're really doing ?? It's one thing for those of us reading this forum to get upset with you, but how about all the 1,000's upon 1,000's of people out there getting screwed by you and not knowing it ?? Is that how you, Bill, and your company want to become known..... ?? If it is, that's pretty pathetic. Sure, let this go and maybe it will go away.... just like it took you 100's of posts to finally pop your head in and try your luck at some damage control. I guess you do know this doesn't have to stop here.... it can go much more public and with the right people behind the keyboard, just about anyone operating a computer.... which all wrap shops do.... might find out about this and then your damage control problems will really blossom.
I don't understand this need to stay illusory of it all ??
What is so important, you can't tell your customers all at once ??
You have stat sheets out on every item you sell, but here is something which appears to be somewhat not above board and you can't give us a solid answer, other than call ya and you'll tell us one at a time what's happening. Yeah, that make sense, Bill. You only have time to stick your head in here once a day, but you're willing to spend hours and hours e-mailing people and talking to them on the phone, one at a time. You evidently have a tough time delegating or you're just terrible managing your time and getting your priorities figured out.
Well Bill, I too am sorry too that you feel you must treat us the way you are. I now must go and I'll drop back in if Sandy doesn't get too bad.
Til then........
