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The Vaccine - you going to take it or no?

Andy D

Active Member
Yeah, but wouldn't you like to spend some of that time in the near future out and about, enjoying whatever it is you used to do after work?

Not at all, I'm an anti-social homebody. Nothing I would rather do than spend time with my dogs and work on my projects.


Problem Solver
I've got to comp that, last year changed my life pretty much none at all. Still went on a summer vacation abroad, still do same things that I did two years ago. There's even less people than usual which is awesome.

Stacey K

I like making signs
Yeah, but wouldn't you like to spend some of that time in the near future out and about, enjoying whatever it is you used to do after work?

I probably will. I miss going to play pool at the bars more than anything. Well, that and having overtly loud, spit flying, back slapping discussions with whatever jackass is sitting next to me.
Straight in or last pocket? We play last pocket up here. I miss that also, every other Friday we used to go for a couple hours and play pool then go home and play cards and in bed by 10:00! LOL


Merchant Member
Positive test. My wife and I both. 3 days after taking the first shot of the 2 shot vaccine.

Sorry to hear about that. Have read in journals its possible that it can happen if exposed after the first dose. Hopefully you're alright afterwards. One of my main contacts at a large client...his 2 kids have it and he's got to go into quarantine now. I hate dealing with his boss..lol


Active Member
Positive test. My wife and I both. 3 days after taking the first shot of the 2 shot vaccine.

I'm confused, you got the vaccine, then caught covid, but it was really mild and no worse than a cold, so you're saying the vaccine is doing exactly what its supposed to do, that's good news!


Pretty fly for a Sign Guy
90 year old coworker caught it, was hospitalized and gone for about 3 weeks, It has become common place at my work to have people disappear for 2 weeks at a time.I am glad My shop has the space it does.


Arial - it's almost helvetica
For someone who didn't think much of covid...you sure did get that vaccine pretty quick.
Yeah, a few days ago it was we took it and got sick after. Now it's we got covid. Tomorrow it will be we died from it. Vaccines arent immediate anyways whatever the real story is. If you got the vaccine this early, you really fought for it.


Pretty fly for a Sign Guy
90 year old coworker? Was his name Gandalf and is your sign shop in middle earth?
Some MFer's don't want to retire, what can I say? When you work is routine and easy and you are paid well for it why quit building a nest egg for the next generations???


New Member
I'm confused, you got the vaccine, then caught covid, but it was really mild and no worse than a cold, so you're saying the vaccine is doing exactly what its supposed to do, that's good news!
Incorrect. My wife and I have worn masks for the past 9 months, avoided the public as much as possible, sanitize our hands, yadda yadda so on and so forth. Haven't been sick in those 9 months. Fast forward a few weeks. The wife takes shot one of Pfizer vaccine. One day later she starts feeling bad. 2 days later I start feeling bad (NO vaccine for me). Another few days later she goes and tested positive for COVID. Then I go get tested, yep...positive. Fast forward 2 weeks. We are fine and looking back, the Covid for us was not nearly as bad as many common colds I've had in the past. I guess we are part of the lucky ones who's immune systems can kick it's ass easily.


I'm here for Educational Purposes
Incorrect. My wife and I have worn masks for the past 9 months, avoided the public as much as possible, sanitize our hands, yadda yadda so on and so forth. Haven't been sick in those 9 months. Fast forward a few weeks. The wife takes shot one of Pfizer vaccine. One day later she starts feeling bad. 2 days later I start feeling bad (NO vaccine for me). Another few days later she goes and tested positive for COVID. Then I go get tested, yep...positive. Fast forward 2 weeks. We are fine and looking back, the Covid for us was not nearly as bad as many common colds I've had in the past. I guess we are part of the lucky ones who's immune systems can kick it's *** easily.
Thank you for taking the time to elaborate and clear that up. Glad your feeling better, and that you have a strong immune system :)

Stacey K

I like making signs
It's really not a vaccine but a flu shot. It "Should" protect you for a year...that means you need another round every year. And you still need to wear a mask because other people will see you without a mask and will assume you are being irresponsible and reckless. My sister booked a trip to Mexico she was told even if they get the vaccine they still have to take a PCR test with a negative result within 3 days of returning to the states. She's questioning why even get the shot if it doesn't make life easier? Still need to wear a mask, still need to get tested.