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thinking about going to the apple side


New Member
I use apple, I can run circles around macs and program. I've has every iPhone release since day one.
I'm still not fronting when I say a Mac can't beat a PC speed wise running photoshop or illustrator.. It just can't... If it could I'd be glad to switch over..

Joe Diaz

New Member
And Joe, I DID read what you said before and after that quote. To be clear, didn't you lump every mac buyer into buying their computer for superficial reasons?
No I didn't.
I said the reason they bought a mac was to buy a computer.

The reason they spend extra money and choose to get one machine over a similar machine that can help one do the same tasks in the same amount of time, would most likely be for superficial reasons.

And for the record superficial may not be a bad thing.
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Roper of Goats. Old ones.
This statement above is so ridiculous I can't believe it.

Then you didn't comprehend it. See below.

Ok then, so you are also saying, if you buy a $4 bottle of 2 buck chuck wine at Trader Joes, and I go and buy a $20 bottle of Wine at Whole Foods, in your twisted logic it is only because of the pretty packaging or a "status" thing? It couldn't POSSIBLY be that the $20 bottle of wine tastes better, and the $2 buck Chuck tastes horrible? So...the ONLY reason I am buying the coffee is for a caffeinated drink, or the wine to get drunk...I couldn't POSSIBLY be buying something more expensive because it tastes better? And if I do choose to buy a $4 cup of coffee or a $20 bottle of wine, is it ONLY because I am trying to be a shallow, superficial elitist?

Nope, I never said any of that. You are trying to put words in my mouth.

if you buy a $4 bottle of 2 buck chuck wine at Trader Joes, and I go and buy a $20 bottle of Wine at Whole Foods,

Not even remotely the same comparison as paying $4 at Starbucks for essentially the same quality of coffee at the Higgins & Burke stand at the gas station for $2. Completely different comparison, sunshine.

Your example is horrible. Try another one, since you seem to love this thread and constantly want to tell us all our mac purchases are frivolous and "superficial"

You haven't been paying attention. I never said it was frivolous. I said it was superficial. Look up the definition.

Oh, here it is:
with or comprehending only what is on the surface or obvious

And Joe, I DID read what you said before and after that quote. To be clear, didn't you lump every mac buyer into buying their computer for superficial reasons?

No, he did not.

Sounds like a sweeping generalization to me?

Are you asking a question or making a statement?

Last time I looked up the definition, it wasn't too flattering a term. Aren't you basically saying: "All mac users choose macs because they look pretty?"

No, he never said that.

Do you honestly not think that some users simply prefer the operating system,

I'm sure some of you do. And that's fine. Its just that when someone makes an unsupportable statement like Macs were "intended for design" as if a Mac is superior somehow in promoting the creative process, that's when others will object. Are you understanding this?

or any other myriad of reasons?

I invite you to support that statement.

So, you don't think sweeping statements have their place in a discussion like this? I agree. So, then, what this "myriad of reasons... "?


New Member
The Op just asked for a testimonial from a sign shop that uses a Mac to produce signs, I answered his post, I am not sure why so many PC users have to chime in. The guy read my post, thanked me and ended up buying a Mac set up. End of story, all the rest is just you guys beating each other up for no good reason.
I read a ton of PC related posts and don't feel the need to jump in and tell him what he purchased is wrong. The fact is, having choices with any product is good, it creates a good healthy competition which will push each company to it's limit to create better products & ad useful features. Most of the Mac guys are used to being the odd man out, but that is changing as the world is discovering Apple, their market share is on the rise and the Mac side of the business is growing leaps and bounds. Either way, Microsoft isn't going under and neither is Apple. I am confused as to why Mac guys think of a PC as "just something they don't want" but PC guys think of a Mac as "something they hate" I feel this theory is proven by all the slamming done on a post asking who makes signs with a Mac. But you have to try to bring yourself back to the basics & ask what your customer would, when can you make my sign?, PC or Mac, the end result is the same..
And most customers have no clue how you got there. So I say we all relax and you all have to agree, if a customer ordered a sign from you, & you designed it on your computer, they paid you when they picked it up and were happy, the computer you used was perfect for the job. You guys are just banging each other around making enemies for no good reason, remember we are sign makers first. Just a thought...


New Member
OG - I am ignoring you, you obviously have an ax to grind against mac users.

But, I do wanna understand this statement because I guess I am really dense. "The reason we buy macs, is to buy a computer. The reason we spend more on them, is superficial."

So...um...how does that NOT lump all mac users into being superficial in their computer purchases? Am I missing something?


New Member


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Roper of Goats. Old ones.
OG - I am ignoring you, you obviously have an ax to grind against mac users.

Obviously? How so? Where have I said anything bad about Macs? Where have I said anything bad about Mac users?

My objection is not to people or to computers, but to vague and unsubstantiated statements like "Macs are intended for design".

If someone had said that "Windows PCs are intended for design", I would have just as quickly questioned that, as well.

Don't you understand this?

Locals Find!

New Member
This whole Mac PC vs Windows PC - BS - started because Apple started falsely advertising that their computers did something that windows computers didn't.

Why are you guys letting yourselves still be Pawns of a dead man by arguing about stuff that isn't even remotely true?

FACT: A Mac is a PC it just runs a different OS.

FACT: PC stands for Personal Computer

FACT: PC does not mean a Windows Computer


Joe Diaz

New Member
The reason we buy macs, is to buy a computer. The reason we spend more on them, is superficial."
Yeahhhh there you go!

So...um...how does that NOT lump all mac users into being superficial in their computer purchases?
The more important question is what other reason would someone spend that extra amount for a Mac when some lower cost nonMac can perform the same tasks just as well? And if you say it has a better OS what exactly does that OS do better/faster than windows? Browse and manage files and folders? Does it Run software better?

Windows PC users buy different brands of PCs over another for superficial reasons all the time.


Quit buggin' me
So..... what brand of coffee does everyone drink?
I'm thinking decaf is not going to be a popular reply......

wayne k
guam usa

David Wright

New Member
On my Thinkpad laptop the dot of the i lights up, on the cover and inside. It was then I knew I had to have it.
(and a fingerprint scanner!)


New Member
OK. Going to throw something out there. For those of you that choose PC, what makes you decide to go with a particular brand? I am not talking about a build your own but rather retail machines like Acer, Dell, Toshiba, HP, Asus, etc.

Why pick one brand over the other? Aren't they all made the same just like a Mac supposedly is? Is price is the only issue when all other components are equal?