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Vinyl not sticking on painted wood.


New Member
I thought i was going to get good advise not critism but anyways im learning.
So i removed vinyl and repainted wood with semi gloss oil base paint what should be my next step? paint is drying right now.


New Member
just make sure you listen to Si...
he's been painting since the dinosaur chased him into a cave where he painted his first mural
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New Member
NExt step????
Test every thing you do for yourself before you try to make a buck from a client on the unknown entity.


New Member
So your saying that the wood I just repainted is not going to work


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Dave Drane

New Member
So your saying that the wood I just repainted is not going to work

Probably not. down the road the surface will "crocodile" because you are using 2 different mediums. The enamel will be drying out at a slower rate than the latex and will pull it open into cracks that look like a crocodile's skin, thus the name.

Si Allen

New Member
Sorry Doug ... you have it backwards.

Water based paint does not bond well to oil based paint ... but .... oil base on latex, sticks like baby poop to a blanket!


New Member
+1 Si

Although I would not have used latex in the first place.....that being said, I'd say you were good2go.


New Member
You might get some better response if you tell people about yourself.

Avery is a bad word around here let me guess signwarehouse free samples with your enduracut.


New Member
I did a few $1000 sandblasted signs with custom mixed latex house paint, over quick drying Zinsser oil based shellac primer, and they looked awesome for years..

...but then on a different job, I painted 1-shot oil based paint over tan colored pre-primed 1x6 boards from Home depot & the crap practically fell right off... so I assumed it was a paint incompatibility... which led me to my theory...

...my new theory? I'd follow Si's advice...

regarding the vinyl choice, I'd suggest you wait 3 days to apply any vinyl.
A lot of us refuse to buy Avery for reasons i won't go into... but if I had new Avery vinyl today, I would trust it... I just would never willingly give them money or advise anyone else to... do, don't buy any more... but what you have should work if it's not 4 or 5 years old...


New Member
Well I get my vinyl from regal plastics in Austin tx and some from Signwarehouse
And yes I have an enduracut plus. I have alittle over a year making signs and banners and so far I have been pretty busy.


New Member
Aragons said:
Well I get my vinyl from regal plastics in Austin tx and some from Signwarehouse
And yes I have an enduracut plus. I have alittle over a year making signs and banners and so far I have been pretty busy.

I'm going to let the paint dry for a week it should be enough time.


New Member
We do use oil based paint on some signs and then apply vinyl but usally we will not do it that way because it does not last as long.

Avery has had some failures in the past , oracal would be a better choice.

Avery is what usally is sent with enduracut cutters.

You will get better response if you do post in the newbe forum introductions sometimes come over better then just posting a question right off.


New Member
not trying to be a jerk about some of you regulars, but who cares if he introduces himself? They are new and asking for advice.

Aragons, if you have any questions about anything let me know, i'll do my best.

Remember, there are some people with no experience and no background out there, be more thoughtful on your choice of words.


New Member
I agree

not trying to be a jerk about some of you regulars, but who cares if he introduces himself? They are new and asking for advice.

Aragons, if you have any questions about anything let me know, i'll do my best.

Remember, there are some people with no experience and no background out there, be more thoughtful on your choice of words.

Being a newbie around here myself I would feel a lot better about asking a "stupid" question if I didn't think I was going to get my ass kicked every time.


New Member
Being a newbie around here myself I would feel a lot better about asking a "stupid" question if I didn't think I was going to get my ass kicked every time.

welcome to online web forums. you'll learn a lot. through pain most likely.

Anyway, oracal is ... ok... but i prefer 3M, so that's what I use.

like previously stated. latex over oil = NO...
Oil over latex= OK.

Next time, don't use wood.