• I want to thank all the members that have upgraded your accounts. I truly appreciate your support of the site monetarily. Supporting the site keeps this site up and running as a lot of work daily goes on behind the scenes. Click to Support Signs101 ...

wait a minute thats my sign....


New Member
Talk about a thread going full circle.

Crow anyone??



New Member
and by the way the original signs were either sandblasted cedar or mahogany it was not MDO and the signs are still ok


New Member
I believe I called it first. (insert smug smiley here)

dang it... went back to prove you wrong... but you're right...

everything is so "clearly" obvious to you... because you CHOOSE to believe everything said by the absolute stranger, BUSTED for an irresponsible misrepresentation... what would you expect him to say...

and you CHOOSE to embellish, accentuate the negative & not believe ANY of the comments from a member here...

...you are SURE the sign was really beyond repair
, you are SURE the OP knew that, you are SURE the other shop never intended for assumptions to be made regarding them representing the quality of the OP's design...

yep... you got it alll figured out!!

but, I called it second! :wink:

....and for the "benefit of the doubt" award.. you told her to "grow a pair" so you are disqualified Adrian :ROFLMAO:


New Member
and by the way the original signs were either sandblasted cedar or mahogany it was not MDO and the signs are still ok

thanks for coming back... you can post that "how do you like me now" any time here... I think you just won some kinda prize here.... the most dramatic "last nail in the coffin" prize!!:clapping::clapping:


New Member
i did... I sent Robin a pm to remove the incorrect remarks... actually sent her a txt message too... (can't call... too early, & the wife's asleep)

I think she just got me mixed up with Adtechia.... maybe from all the times I quoted his vile spewge..

...besides, it's hard to catch up on 6 or 7 pages when you've been away... so I guess I'm still angling for some kind of "benefit of the doubt" award... before I prove her right about how mean I am to everyone :smile:

...otherwise there will be more woodshed talk :omg:


New Member
Don't make me break out the woodshed again...

well, let's hope you don't have to... :smile:

I just called Robin, and this thread had bothered her so much she left work...
so she said it would be a while before she could edit out her misunderstanding... :omg:

damn.. I might have to prove her right after all.... :wink:

will she get back in time? :birthday:

will the edit button still work? :popcorn:

will iSign lose his cool again? :cool:

tune in as these and more dramas unfold,
as the fate of the world hangs in the balance...

as the forum turns... :clapping:


New Member
my eyes started bleeding after page one so I may not have all the facts right.

this is or isn't the same sign or is it a re-make of an old sign that needed to be re-done?

the sign broker guy is a jerk?

signmeup is going to kick some ass?

isign did what?

is this resolved or not?


New Member
cliff notes... because it's 5:22 and I have nowhere else to be :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

my eyes started bleeding after page one so I may not have all the facts right.

this is or isn't the same sign or is it a re-make of an old sign that needed to be re-done?

many (incl. signmeup and myself) suspected it IS still the original posters sign, wrongly displayed on another companies website) The OP confirms this today.

the sign broker guy is a jerk?

uhhh.. indisputably at this point I believe

signmeup is going to kick some ass?

ya never know... but I think he suggested the sign broker and I take it to the woodshed, since I was in such an ass kicking mood defending the OP

isign did what?

sniffed xylene & was mean to everyone on earth

is this resolved or not?

it's a soap opera Marlene... is anything ever really resolved?
gotta keep 'em coming back right :popcorn:

Joe Diaz

New Member
Some of the folks from signs101 told me about this thread in Atlantic City at the USSC show. I just got back to the office this morning and wasted an hour of my day... Thanks a lot guys :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

No but in all seriousness, this was pretty entertaining. Back to work I go. Got some catching up to do. :thumb:


New Member
well here we all are. i left work to go have a looksee at the sign in question because after i looked at the website again i noticed something different with this photo than when i first saw it about 6months ago when i sent them a note to remove it from the website. there is a really poor mdo sign there now that has been attacked with a paintball gun at some point. As far as the original sign being in disrepair ?????? i took a pic of the sign that is facing south and it seems that this one would be the one in the worse shape. the sign that was replaced was in the shade and it did grow legs at one point and then it was recovered and put back up. my whole point was to ask about how someone handles someone using others work as their own i didnt mean to start world war 3. here is a pic i took today of the other sign that i did probably 15 years ago or more, sure it makes me cringe because i do better work now but you can see it is not MDO IT IS SANDBLASTED CEDAR. and you can see why i asked the question


  • bend.jpg
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Certified Enneadecagon Designer
i didnt mean to start world war 3.

You didn't, they were just having a little fun....

and by the way, in the 10 years i have been reading Doug's post, I have never seen Doug be mean to anyone... ever..

(okay Doug, you can send the 100 bucks to by paypal account)


Certified Enneadecagon Designer
you said $25!!
for a minute i thought you were a lowballer!!

Lowballer!, I have a minimum you know... 100 bucks is my discount rate for an endorsement... 25 bucks get you a fist bump and a corndog smiley!


New Member
OK, so did they or did they not make a sign like the one you made long long ago? is there a sign hanging there that they made? did they take a photo of the one you made and claimed it was theirs? why the hell is it so hard to get an answer? is it their work or is it yours? if they made a copy to replace a sign, then why wouldn't they post it on their site. if they took a sign that you made and used it for their site, why didn't they find one that looked better? it seems like if a person took a photo of some one else's work, they would find a spectacular looking sign and make claim to it. if I were to lose my mind and decide to claim some work as my own, I would get in the Cadi, drive for hours and take some photos of signmeups stuff and swear I did it, why would anyone try to steal this and make claim that they did it. it makes no sense.