Quit buggin' me
*Cough.... smallpox....*coughthe nature of virus's are the mutate, and no vaccine stops that, if they did we wouldn't have past viruses that keep coming up!
*Cough.... smallpox....*coughthe nature of virus's are the mutate, and no vaccine stops that, if they did we wouldn't have past viruses that keep coming up!
masks are not effective against a virus, except that it keeps those who are infected from spreading to the same degree.
Basic surgical masks work best to protect others from getting infected by you. It's doesn't really do much as protecting you from others. You also have to replace it often with a new or clean one or it loses the effect.If masks work, why according to the CDC's own report...
Basic surgical masks work best to protect others from getting infected by you. It's doesn't really do much as protecting you from others. You also have to replace it often with a new or clean one or it loses the effect.
Home made "masks" basically do nothing......
The only wait in the Canadian medical system is for elective stuff....rightfully so, if someone needs a surgery they should be bumped ahead of someone who's looking to get a nose job or some fat trimmed off.C'mon man............ ya gotta wear a mask, and if ya don't we'll put your a$$ in jail for 'what if' !!!
Why argue about it, like our friends to the north say. The whole world ridicules us on just about everything we do..... and yet people are pouring in over our southern border to get in here for some reason. Young and old alike. How many of them are infected ?? Let's have the same medical care Canada or Sweden or those other countries mentioned have. Yep, free pills, but lousy everything else. I've had countless conversations with people from Canada and they all agree the wait period is horrible, the quality is bad and most come here for anything important. Yep,,we can't do anything right, but whenever someone needs help, we're always there, if it's justified.
I don't know who p!ssed in y'all's cheerios, but ya oughta get over it. Attitudes like yours deserve to be listened to or else, is not very becoming.
Nope, probably has nothing to do with that.And you don't think this has anything to do with mandating them![]()
*Cough.... smallpox....*cough
$300k of medical bills won't leave someone on the streets...the American thing to do is not pay it while in line a Best Buy buying a new TVThe only wait in the Canadian medical system is for elective stuff....rightfully so, if someone needs a surgery they should be bumped ahead of someone who's looking to get a nose job or some fat trimmed off.
My kid has health problems - he's 8 and we've been to the emergency room 10 or so times so far. Broken arms, irregular heart beat, duplicate chromosone... We've had emergency stays that lasted a week, we've seen genetic specialists, heart specialists, even small stuff like speech therapists.... All within a few days of booking an appointment, and all 100% free with no pay. Without our "Sucky, low quality" helath care, I'd be living on the streets over 300K in debt right now.
Oh, and lets not forget my healthcare covers anything emergency when I'm in USA or somewhere international. My wife broke her leg when we were on vacation - she needed surgery on it, and the hospital wanted something like $28,000... our medical covered the whole thing, zero cost to us.
So say what you want about our health care, or believe what your small pool of friends have told you about it - but Health care is one of the things most Canadians are proud of, and wouldn't trade for anything...and rightfully so.
All the long waits and expensive taxes you guys hear about, is as you would put it... Fake news, to justify why America doesn't have it, or has a sucky version of it.
and I hear Swedens is better than ours... but no experience with it, so I can't say either way.
I think you need to quarantine, we send you all to the font forum with Tiki for 14 days.*Cough.... smallpox....*cough
I can't speak on elective surgery as I've never had it. I did get my nose broken as a teenager and they went in and straightened it out.... Not sure if that's considered elective, but it was maybe a week wait.
Not sure what Canadians are waiting 6 days to see a doctor! I can see my family doctor the next day usually when I just have sniffles. There's about 10 walk in clinics within a mile of my house I could goto a d see a doctor within an hour of waiting, no appointment necessary.
I already detailed my experience with specialists... But the whole months thing wasn't true, at least for me.
Out of the 10 or so er visits only one was a 2 hour wait. They triage.. And of course some days they need to treat all the serious stuff more than the not so serious stuff. That's life... And I'd rather wait an hour to get a broken arm set than be jumped ahead of someone with a head injury.
You're pool size of 4 is small. My pool size of two cities is small. Canada is a big country.... Every city isn't the same. I'm sure some people did fall through the cracks and health care for them isn't all its cracked up to be. But for the majority, myself included...I wouldn't trade health care for anything. I know 100% my kid would.have a much worst life than he has now because wed never be able to afford all the specialists he sees right now.
So maybe it's not as fast as America's system. But if you put Healthcare out of.the reach of 90% of your population, of course the waits will be small. Me.... If my kid breaks his arm, I don't have to decide if bringing him in to get it fixed means we won't be able to put food in the table.
Not sure who's measuring dicks here! My comment was about how Canada has no benefit from marking someone as covid positive, nor does many other countries. It was to get people to think about that next time they decide it's all a Democrat conspiracy to get trump to look bad. It wasn't about our health care being better than post was only defending it and pointing out my experiences after it got **** on and touted as being slow and lousy.
P.s - the Pfizer vaccine is Co developed by Canada, and it uses our delivery system... Canada takes covid seriously, we wouldn't hold off on an announcement or a vaccine to make trump look bad.
A private company standing to make billions also wouldn't risk someome beating them to the punch, or delay production on the vaccine to do the same.
It does seem like a big coincidence. But common sense says otherwise.