Haha! "Dude" would be absolutely shocked at what is going on my bathroom door at the shop soon. I know Dude is just trying to get our goat and our attention. So, let's get his too!
Dear Dude,
The owner of the building where my shop is located has not created separate sections for the bathroom area, which is fine with me. I don't mind Dudes, there are (7) Dudes in my life that happen to be my brothers. I'm used to the way they are and have accepted them for their shortcomings. Heck, they are handy to have around sometimes too, so why complain?
So, Dude, my shop's bathroom is a community bathroom, because I am okay with that. We do have housekeeping service that cleans the bathrooms, which the Landlord will cover if I share the bathroom with others. So far, it works. We have peace. If not in the middle east, we have peace in our bathroom.
Dude, if you ever need to use the bathroom when you visit, you have to be escorted to the back of my shop, then there is a little carpeted trail you need to stay on (sorta like the yellow brick road) that leads to the bathroom. This little carpeted trail runs through a very large shop area. The people who work in that shop area do not work with me or for me, they have their own bathrooms on the other side of the building. My rent includes this bathroom so it is there for people in my shop and for my own Customers. However, the Mechanics (Dudes) in the neighboring shop do like to use it because it is convenient for them and it is usually empty. They like to catch up on there reading in the stalls, or "rest" in the restroom, if you know what I mean! :Big Laugh
Back to my trail, Dude, when you arrive to your final destination (again - the bathroom!) it's a good idea to knock before entering... Gives time for those inside (usually Dudes) to get their "stuff" together.
Once inside, there are urinals to the left, stalls to the right. I'm about to create a sign for the door that reads:
We have mostly Dudes in our building. I may let them use my bathroom, but if they don't behave, I'll keep that room locked!!!
Nothi'n like a little control, ha?

tee hee!
DUDE, you didn't "start allowing"... we never asked... it ain't the boys bathroom.
although that's never stopped me either