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Search results

  1. Ink cartridge issue

    We have a Roland Versa Express RF 64 and recently we have had a couple of ink spaces not recognize the cartridges inserted. They just stopped all together. The Cartridges work in our pro 4. Anyone else have this issue and have a fix for it? Thanks
  2. Paint Overspray

    I was contacted recently by an insurance company about a possible wrap change and later by the customer to set up an appointment to look at the wrap. I haven't seen it yet but I have an appointment to look at the car tomorrow and I want to get some thoughts ahead of time. The car was fully...
  3. Need Help Flexi Sign Bezier question

    Is there any way for me to give a bezier curve to all of the points initially or select them all and make them have a bezier curve? It seems you can only select one point at a time scan over and make it have a bezier curve, very time consuming when you have a lot of points. For 15 years I've...
  4. Need Help Tool for translucent canvas

    Does any one know the name or where I can find a tool to aid in releasing the clips in the tracking around a lit sign cabinet which holds the canvas and tightens it? I thought there was something out there that makes this easier. Thanks
  5. These scams are really starting to get annoying!

    1 every other week....
  6. Go big or stay home?

    So...For all of the larger/mid-sized sign companies, what made you choose to go large? Do you regret it? Would you change anything? For the smaller companies mainly working from home, do you plan to go big or are you happy with what you have now? I am currently one of the smaller companies. I...
  7. Suggestions Possible Scam or am I losing it?

    Yesterday I received an email from one of my customers referring a vehicle wrap to me. He copies me in the email and tells the guy to get a hold of me. A little bit later, I get a text from this guy asking if we do wraps. Than I get an email from the same guy as well, asking if we do wraps. I...
  8. During a power outage

    Good morning, storms took out power yesterday and Its sounding like it may not be back up for 2 to 3 days. (Great way to start a busy work week.) I have 2 roland printers, pro 4 and versa express. Is there anything(s) I should do to them to ensure the heads don't dry since they are not running...
  9. White cut vinyl issues

    I have a couple quick questions about white cut vinyl. 751 Cast Oracal cut vinyl that we had provided to a customer a few years back and they had installed. They put it on their gas station fuel canopies and at SOME of the locations (I'm assuming places that get a lot of sun), over the last 3...
  10. Wrap Scam

    I hate when I see things like this. Hoping it doesn't make people weary of legit services like Wrapify. East Texan warns about car wrap scam
  11. Roland Pro 4 White Ink Not Printing

    I have a Roland Pro 4 XR 640. I don't print white ink as often as I should and now both print heads print all colors fine except for the white ink. I pulled the white to the head with a syringe but I can't get it to print out of the head. I was told to pull it from under the cap top (which I...
  12. Please help with this font

    I'm trying to figure out this carved wood block style font. Any of you out there recognize it? Thanks for your help :)
  13. bad bulbs sooner than usual

    Hello, We had installed a lighted sign about 3 years ago and continue to have to replace bulbs on a regular basis. About 8-10 months. Attached is a pic of the bulbs when they go bad. To me it doesn't look normal. The ballasts have not been changed in the 3 years. We did NOT hook up the...
  14. Font ID please and thank you :)

    I've seen this before, but don't have it on my system. Can anyone tell me what font this is? I have a customer who paid for her logo and the screen print shop who designed it won't release the vector logo and now she wants me to redo it. Thank you very much
  15. Hi Friends :) Please Identify this font :)

    Hello! Please help me identify this font, it would be much appreciated :) Thanks, Jaime
  16. Font Help

    Someone please identify this font! Thanks!
  17. Font Identification Please :)

    What font is this?
  18. Font Identification Help PLEASE :)

    Hello can someone please identify the font of the body of text please Thanks!
  19. Identifying Font Help Please :)

    Hi please see attached and help me out! :)
  20. Identifying Font Help Please :)

    Please identify the "POSITIVELY!" font. Thanks!