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Search results

  1. Seal 62 Plus height adjust

    We bought a new to us 62 plus a few years ago, and just now getting around to installing it/using it. At first it wouldn’t do anything other then the heating elements would work. Rollers wouldn’t move and it only has a light above the roller height adjustment. Now we have the roller turning...
  2. VJ 1624 Banding

    Update: switched to different User Type checked PF Feed and adjusted it. Now its printing fine again.
  3. VJ 1624 Banding

    Every print starts out good for the first half inch, then it starts banding. Just started in the middle of a print job. Double checked pf feed and replaced dampeners and still doing it. Anyone ever have this issue or a remedy for it?
  4. Custom Font?

    I know this Logo was originally hand painted, I know it has been printed/cut too. Any idea what the font is?
  5. PPF Templates

    Thank you. That's all I have seen too.
  6. PPF Templates

    Is there anywhere to purchase individual PPF templates? I found an old sub on here, but the sites were no longer. All I can find is the precut kits. Thank you in advance!
  7. Font Help

    Can't find this font. Closest thing i can come up with is Ed's Market. I have seen this plenty of times and drawing a blank as to what it is. Thank you in advance
  8. Touch pad

    Huions sounds familiar. I feel like that was the name of it in the pic. Might have to order one and just go for it. Was hoping more guys had positive feedback on them.
  9. Touch pad

    Maybe, but no, not really. Like what chip foose uses type deal. I seen someone designing on one online still have screens. This was more like a pad with pin that more or less acted like a mouse, but with a pen. If that makes sense?
  10. Touch pad

    Does anyone use a touch pad to design in flexi? Wanting to get one, would like to get thoughts on them from someone that has used one, and recommendations on what to get.
  11. Font idea

    Any ideas? Thank you!
  12. Idea's

    Anyone have any idea, or something similar? Thank you in advance.
  13. Missing Channels

    Can you explain that more? Isn't that just checking that the dampers are working?
  14. Missing Channels

    The ones from the board to the head are new, will double check the others to see if I can see anything.
  15. Missing Channels

    No air, and yes, after replacing did an initial ink charge.
  16. Missing Channels

    VJ 1624, All of a sudden one black channel and one magenta channel are completely gone. Replaced complete maintenance station, dampers, encoders, and print head. getting the exact same result and it was before changing anything. Anyone have any ideas??
  17. DX7 Nozzle Check

    Has anyone ever seen a dx7 nozzle check that's missing both ends, the magenta, and the black. It prints one nozzle check for each, but not two like the yellow and cyan.
  18. VJ 1624 Red

    After messing with it, and reading hours upon hours of post on here, I have achieved nothing. Valuejet 1624 Flexi12 Production manager Multiple profiles but VJ1624 Orajet 3651G seems to be the best graphics 4 No Color Correction Mutoh Inks Went through 20 of so profiles, nozzle check is good...
  19. Gunslinger Font

    Correct, the demo doesn't allow you to use Numbers is my issue. WildWest, I sent an email through their website, went to facebook and also sent the Author a tweet. still haven't received a response.
  20. Gunslinger Font

    Has anyone ever had any luck contacting KC Fonts for the gunslinger font? https://www.dafont.com/gunslinger.font Customer has this font on their logo and I tried reaching out to them to purchase the font, and haven't received a response. After doing some research the creator of the font...