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Search results

  1. "With Backing" is missing :(

    Figured it out. When there's an offset, it disables the backing option.
  2. "With Backing" is missing :(

    TTT I just came across this issue. What was the cause?
  3. Any Idea

    Still beat me to it. Thank you again!
  4. Any Idea

    Thank you in advance Tiki lol
  5. Help

    Once again, You always pull through! Thank you!
  6. Help

    Anyone know this font? House Font is the closest I can find but the "G" is Different. Thank you!
  7. Who Else Has Horror Story

    As far as phone time being Longer I really don't mind. I just put it on speaker and go about my business. The whole online ordering thing, every time I have tried it, the order was wrong. Wrong ink, Wrong media, whatever I order It seems wrong. We have two shops and It was always the Kansas city...
  8. Who Else Has Horror Story

    I'm curious as to who else has had a horror story since Fellers switched to their new system? Other then in the past 12 years we have never been able to get a sales rep from them to call us, things have always went smooth and no real problems. When they launched the new system they had to chase...
  9. Question Thinking About Purchasing The Island Clean Air Duster 2000

    If you're still looking shoot me a PM and an offer.
  10. Id Help

    You're always a Lifesaver. Thank You!
  11. Id Help

    Any Idea what the WYMAN font is? All help is appreciated.
  12. Question Thinking About Purchasing The Island Clean Air Duster 2000

    I'm a little late to the party, but I have a island Air Duster 3000 that I do not use and would let go.
  13. Waving Checkered

    I use Flexi and AI I was hoping to find just a seamless tile without manually creating one. That might be my only option though..
  14. Waving Checkered

    Anyone know where I can find a seamless waving checkered flag tile? Have a customer that wants semi fenders covered. I have just a checkered pattern, and I can find a "waving" flag. I can't find one that is seamless or one that won't look funny when blown up to fit. Thank you
  15. Floor Mats

    I have a few customers wanting custom floor mats for their trailers. Anyone know of a supplier or a wholesaler? Doing a search online I didn't really come across a true "wholesalers". Any help is much appreciated!
  16. 1

    Codymead10@gmail.com Thank you!

    Codymead10@gmail.com Thank you!
  17. 1990 Ford Mustang Template

    Thanks Russell, I was hoping to get something with a few measurements, I will prob. just make a measurement template out of one of the clip-art photos. So not all is lost.
  18. 1990 Ford Mustang Template

    Anyone Know where I can get a Mustang Template for a 1990? everything I have found is 95 and newer. The template will be for a proof for a dirt racecar, so the customer will have to give me the measurements because of body modifications. Thank you!
  19. Registration Mark Help

    Edit. Problem Solved. For some reason when the Cutter driver was installed the first time something wasn't right. I deleted and reloaded the driver and everything is working now...
  20. Registration Mark Help

    I had a malware get by my firewall so I had to wipe my computer. I have everything back and all the profiles set to where I want them. My only problem is registration marks.. I have searched and searched and can't find a solution to my problem. I remember changing it but don't remember how I did...