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Search results

  1. 13oz or 18oz banner install

    16oz (not scrim less) is another option. Slightly lighter...still a nice opaque matte blockout and outdoor durable.
  2. Roll Cradles

    We used a couple old stands and just put the oar locks in the tops.
  3. 13oz or 18oz banner install

    Maybe consider Mesh on that size. Reinforced hem IE 3rd layer of vinyl and or webbing and grommets would provide less wind resistance.
  4. Yo.... Signage

    Hey Texas....Thanks for the advertising bump there in your screen grab there! :D
  5. can you explain "Spot Colors"?

    I think "Spots" favorite color is PMS 121.
  6. can you explain "Spot Colors"?

    Latex....if decently calibrated can hit many PMS colors very well.
  7. Roll Cradles

    We made something using a couple stands, oar locks and a big pc of conduit. Put the roll on and pull across the table. Doesn't bunch up like can happen with that roller up there.
  8. Real job of a leader - is taking care of those in our charge.

    How about this....best lessons I had was to work for some people who were selfish, degrading & treated their employees like crap. Just be the anthesis of them with a measured amount of understanding and compassion. I would hope my employees feel that I treat them fairly and with respect & I...
  9. Need Help problem printing onto reverse micorperf.

    We never had a great experience using gecko grip perf or similar on our old Roland. We gave up on it....went to UV printed on clear, mirrored with white ink & black ink base.
  10. Where to Buy Safe and the Best Price?

    digiprint usa or EU. I ordered from USA and all good for my agfa printheads.

    Welcome aboard!
  12. How do you hire?

    Within the past year and half, I had to hire 1/3 of my staff...so 2 of 6 total people if you include myself in the 6. It wasn't easy. The toxic one...he was fired/quit...however it is spun I really don't care. Another employee whom I valued at the time, needed to change hours...work part time...
  13. Suggestions Recyclable Banner (or similar)

    Woven Polyethelyene is only UV printable.
  14. Suggestions Recyclable Banner (or similar)

    What kind of printer? Woven Polyetheleyne may be your best bet but its UV only.
  15. Pfffft Bring It

    Areas in Union County where my shop is suck. They cannot deal with snow very well. People park on the streets all over the place...even with driveways...so they can't get equipment thru to clear. Its like snowmageddon up here again.
  16. Pfffft Bring It

    I heard Phil saw his shadow.....that f'n dirty rat. lol.... Now Im getting calls from my employees....most are buried and stuck in driveways. Looks like I'm running solo today! Hell yea
  17. Color Dripping

    Well...check the printheads for dust and debris hanging from them.
  18. What made you smile today

    Started the conversion in our shop to LED 8ft bulbs. A Major improvement.
  19. Ink from MaxMetal ACM liner transferred onto ACM?

    My Grimco rep said keep it...and sent us fresh for free.
  20. Discussion January 2021...how did everyone do?

    Just curious as to how everyone did this month. We're just about matching 2020 for January. January isnt typically busy for us anyway & can finagle a couple invoices on Monday and roll them into January. As of now only $1500 shy. Ill take that as a "win" for '21 considering all things.