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Search results

  1. Had some fun with my own boat on Friday!

    Oh yes....she will be getting a workout this summer! Taking the afternoon tomorrow to stretch the legs and bend a pole. Hope to be snacking on some awesome fish fillets over the weekend!! :Big Laugh
  2. Had some fun with my own boat on Friday!

    :rolleyes: lol
  3. ultraflex pole banner 18 oz issues

    Ultrasuxx has quality issues across the board. Not limited to pole banner pro or any particular material. We had similar issues with other materials of theirs. Ive just learned to call my vendor...ask them to replace it and deal with it that way. UF honestly doesn't give a hoot and its best...
  4. Had some fun with my own boat on Friday!

  5. Font similar to Garamond??

    A Goudy possibly???
  6. Had some fun with my own boat on Friday!

    It really was a fun project from laying it out to the install. I was more there to hold the vinyl and make sure it didnt hit the ground! Learned quite a bit from my buddy and he has a summer of fishing to look forward too now as well! I'll post pics of it again soon once I finish up a couple...
  7. Had some fun with my own boat on Friday!

    Oh yeah....laminated with 8518 and sealed the bottom waterline and stern. Bow was sealed as well with additional lam and edge sealer. Have to put striping below the top rail to finish this off as well.
  8. Had some fun with my own boat on Friday!

    Oh...and the company logos will be on the OB motor covers...gotta write off the "therapy trips" :thumb:
  9. Had some fun with my own boat on Friday!

    3m IJ 180 CV3. Was about 65 feet of printing.
  10. Had some fun with my own boat on Friday!

    Thanks!! I don't even have a "before" photo. 2005 hull with Florida sun damaged gel-coat that was just nasty. Buffed it out 2x to get it smooth before applying.
  11. Had some fun with my own boat on Friday!

    My buddy and I installed the wrap on my boat friday. Gotta love that its been generating some local interest as well. Figured I would share the results here. Wound up about 3/4 of an inch off vertically at the bow on 2 of the 3 alignment points. Not terrible IMO.
  12. Competitor similar to signs365

    Thanks for the kind word JustMe. We greatly appreciate that!! I will pass on to my guys here. Back to the subject at hand, we pride ourselves on the QUALITY of the work we do, the face time and live body you can get on a phone and the attention we provide to clients when needed. Sometimes...
  13. ULTRASUXX Strikes again....just can't win!

    Arlon DPF 315 works well on the latex for smaller rolls. The only large roll we have come across is the LTX from ultrasuxx so far in 126in. Attempting to find another vendor for this material but all seem to be failing miserably. AGFA material...18oz 126 ...FAIL. we had decent luck with the...
  14. what do you think of this method to cut aluminum composite

    We have a fletcher substrate cutter which I personally love and would appreciate if my employees used more! Gives a great clean cut on composites. Better than a knife and de-burring tool. I don't like the raised edge the knife cut leaves....and de burring can lead to a bit of a mess.
  15. L26500 Waves

    Cooley is a great banner media.
  16. ULTRASUXX Strikes again....just can't win!

    Update N Glantz is taking care of this invoice and voiding it for me as the branch manager thought it was nuts of UFX to even attempt to charge me for all this. Gotta give them a big thank you for that and really stepping up for me. I know some of you don't like Glantz...but, I do have to say...
  17. Problems Printing Black on Avery 1005EZ

    +1 Bad lot....
  18. Do you care if your suppliers become your competitors?

    What about the "wholesale" companies that provide crazy low cost pricing....with less than ethical standards of selling directly to the general public as well....how would you handle that? Ethics are lacking out there is an understatement. Whether they sell material or someone sells...
  19. ULTRASUXX Strikes again....just can't win!

    Nope....never heard of it. Got some info?