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Search results

  1. Looking for a Double Sided Banner Material

    Im going to agree with dy's assessment. Its likely that you'll have to matte Liquid coat it. Only smooth that Might retain a flatter appearance could be Agfa's duratex. I typically do not use that material, but recall its a more matte finish over ultrasuxx or any other mfr out there.
  2. What's the best rip software to use for wide format printing?

    Im liking Caldera for the HP. Have yet to try it out for my flatbed though.
  3. Rastek. Seriously???

    EFI had the 126in UV press...small RTR..it was the first "rastek" with just the EFI name on it. Removed the rastek name on it...its just as bad.
  4. Rastek. Seriously???

    Ive been a long time EFI equipment operator/purchaser. Will never buy a rastek even to save my life! I have heard from people like yourselves along with techs whom will remain nameless that they are HORRIBLE.
  5. Ultrasuxx Strikes again

    I can't stand UF honestly. I deal with my material thru N Glantz and I hate being a PITA to them honestly. They treat me right and all I want to do is print and make my customers happy. My client is aware of the issue and they actually have time on this job so its not cramping them in...
  6. Ultrasuxx Strikes again

    We're putting up the Ink Collector on the Latex tomorrow. Have unbacked mesh coming from Grimco....key mesh...their 8ft stuff and shorter works Great on the latex actually and is less money than UF. They only have 10'6 unbacked though. So giving the ink collector and pig matting thru its first...
  7. Ultrasuxx Strikes again

    Ok...so heres the latest pic of their bs material. Strip mesh printed on the LX850. Shredding as its coming off....backer fused to the mesh material. Just need to pull my hair out now over this....
  8. Onyx Production House VS. Caldera

    have Caldera....like it a lot.
  9. Scam email......sheesh.

    Do I know Tom?? not this one...hahahaa. Yea....knew it was a scam immediately and laughed.
  10. Scam email......sheesh.

    Just got this today..... Tom Signs <tomslgns8@yahoo.com> To: undisclosed recipients: ; Reply-To: Tom Signs <tomslgns8@yahoo.com> Help Needed.. From Tom Hi, I'm writing this with great grievance. I'm presently in (Manila) Philippines with my Family for a short vacation and we're stuck right...
  11. Grimco Tampa

    +1 for Grimco Phila!
  12. Ultraflexx = Ultrasuxx

    Buying my material thru N Glantz and they have been fantastic for me. They are here in Linden where my shop is and its a great thing! Have been using Ultraflexx less and less now...and today just convinced me that they are horrible. Been running a job of 8x20 mesh banners...using the 98in...
  13. Lx850 users

    Loading Get a motorcycle/atv jack....like a small scissor lift. We use it for really heavy rolls for loading and unloading. It works great....good height and all. We've had ours for over a year now with good results. Cant use cheap material on the latex...thats pretty much a no go..unless...
  14. I had a good answer for a client yesterday...

    +1 :thumb: Also...online services will serve up "crap on a cracker" to you and you have no recourse for it.
  15. I had a good answer for a client yesterday...

    Client calls up asking if I can match an internet price on an item. His employee was looking up pricing and found some banner or print online that was cheaper than mine. I simply stated, "You are more than welcome to go with that printer. Ask Your employee who found the place and price if...
  16. B2Sign.com?

    I agree Mike...it is HIGHLY unethical for a wholesale only to sell to end users at the same pricing or considerably lower than what their presumed Client base would sell for. As for higher margin work...the only way I would have to say Bye Bye to it is if it was a client's client contacting me...
  17. B2Sign.com?

    We have a sign on our building...just for ease of finding us. We do get walk ins as a result, but as I stated earlier in the posting...I refer them to local places that are Full Service retail that I do work for already. Wholesale only websites...thats a joke.
  18. B2Sign.com?

    Thats the problem with many "wholesale" companies coming online lately. They are hungry and offering cheap prices to the public that you as a sign maker just get disgusted at. We stick to our guns and offer wholesale ONLY for ONLY resellers. If someone walks in or calls, we refer them to...
  19. The Man Cave project

    Awesome ideas !! Love the rodents on the wall....my wife sadly will not allow me to do our man-cave in anything wild. Thought about Daytona Speedway front stretch with cars running thru it...hehehehe.
  20. Banner Welding Avery MPI 4230?

    What are you welding with?? Hot air? Wedge?? I have welded a lot of smooth banner...both seams and hems on our Miller weldmaster. Find that we have to turn heat and speed down to avoid as much of the warping or scalloping on the hems as we can. Never perfect...but come out pretty nice and...