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Search results

  1. VersaWorks update from Version 2 > 4

    Install this first http://files.rolanddga.com/files/RVWUpdater302_1.zip Updates from 2.X to 3.x then install this afterwards: http://files.rolanddga.com/files/RVWupdater442.zip Updates from 3.x to 4.x
  2. Switched to Matte --- Now this...

    Its tunnelling on you. Whats your heat set at? could be bad roll of vinyl...we get that on occasion printing on certain materials. Never seen that on a matte vinyl specifically. Going to assume you have checked your pinch roller that it is moving properly...
  3. WTF? ...is this really a National holiday ..TODAY?

    I give my Production manager off Christmas week and week of July 4th. Always good weeks for him to take vacation and easier for me to plan out the fact my right hand isnt going to be in. I wish it had snowed here in NJ....no such luck this year.
  4. Any Dexter Fans Out There?

    Yeah Fred...Definitely Manchurian Candidate.....Homeland is really good.!!! I still have to finish watching the season.
  5. WTF? ...is this really a National holiday ..TODAY?

    Yea well...I gave my employees off Friday Because I didnt want to hear..."Can we all go home early today??" OMG....no theres stuff to do! So, problem solved....OFF on Friday and today is just another Monday! Quiet on the phones...But getting lots of printing done. Though it does seem the...
  6. Any Dexter Fans Out There?

    Im a Father...a Son and a Serial Killer..... MUUUUAAAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! Love the show!
  7. Epson GS6000 Vertical banding

    Our Vuteks have similar issues...not related to heat....not sure how the Epson handles it but for us its actualy a Vacuum system issue. We have to equalize the air pressures to the printheads so the airflow balances out.
  8. Some recent work...

    Great stuff!!!
  9. Issue printing wallpaper on Durst Rho 600

    Thats an interesting issue. I have never experienced anything like that on our QS2000 here. Sounds to me like you have a heavy ink load thats actually allowing it to pool or flow before being cured. Try turning your max ink load down in the rip???
  10. Gotta vent a bit...

    Thanks Bluefish....thats about what I would say. Thanks for the words of advice...I appreciate it. We talked it out today and came up with a solution to the quoting problem so to speak. I made it known to him that my business is MY business. He has no right to know why I charge what I do...
  11. rip station

    Ask Caldera if its Processor intensive or Hardware/data intensive. I still use Colorburst for my Vuteks and it needs good hard drive thruput. have a Single high speed Sata Scratch disk for that purpose. Output to a raid level 0 for faster writing of the print files!
  12. Gotta vent a bit...

    I have to admit the guy is a good friend of mine and he's just trying to get the work he can get. I help him when I can on pricing and he does the same for me when the need for installs and other stuff arises. Last nite just sent me over the edge with him though....hes done it one too many...
  13. Gotta vent a bit...

    Have a client....and I consider him a friend. Calls me up and asks..." Is this the best price you can give me on the quote?" No problem.... Then goes on to ask "Is the ink costing you $2.85 per sq ft?" I know he is not trying to be slick and talk me down on anything here...I quoted XXX per...
  14. Transparency issue.

    Once your rasterize, you can do a "Paste Behind" on your illustrator file, get rid of the other art giving you the headaches and drop the raster image directly behind your vector cut lines. Save normally and youre done. Let us know how it goes.
  15. File Storage

    well, with hard drives being reasonably priced, you can utilize the hot swap cradles for individual drives. As a wholesaler, I keep files about a year or so from last printing. Have a 1TB drive on a server I back the final print files to and a separate backup for my workstation. Otherwise...
  16. Transparency issue.

    Yeah...gotta LOVE transparency in Illustrator....color shifts...blocking of color....oh and dont forget rasterization of the transparency! how many times as that come and bit you in the A**.
  17. Anyone do anything like this??

    I appreciate that forge...client called up and needed 2 of these dang things for an upcoming event. Not even sure when it is....want to see if I can get a die line for one if at all. Rick at Typestries would cut it for me...
  18. Transparency issue.

    Other possibility is....and it is SLIM it will work...is saving with PS level 3 and Enable Compatible Gradient and Mesh printing. Can try that as well...those options helped with other issues Ive had in past.
  19. Anyone do anything like this??

    I dont have an I cut....Typestries was going to cut for me and he doesnt have the CAD file or die line to do anything like that.
  20. PMS to CMYK values

    I stick with the CMYK values from Colorbridge...NOT illustrator or photoshop. Finishline is correct on the CMYKs