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Search results

  1. Best shop views

    I'm pretty lucky to be able to stand at my back bay door and look out at a B-17 bomber and a 1928 Ford Tri-motor. Makes it hard to focus on actual work :) Also later in the day if the weather clears, there will be a record skydive attempt at a 130 way sequential large formation record. Don't...
  2. The Man Cave project

    Latest addition to the project So I found a 110 year old antique parlor stove and just finished a complete restoration on it. I don't plan to use it for heating, it's strictly a decorative piece to tie in with the steampunk theme I have going on. I disassembled the entire stove, then...
  3. Egads, but that's cheap......................................

    Anybody can be in the sign business but not everybody can run a business.
  4. How do I make this look less like clip art.

    Here's a small road sign I did for a local Mexican place. Might give you some ideas for color combo's
  5. How do I make this look less like clip art.

    This is quick and dirty, but the direction I would pursue.
  6. More press about our shop

    Well deserved and great article!
  7. All I've been doing.... (A sign designers late night rant)

    Rick you've made me more appreciative of the work that I get to do daily. I'd shoot myself if I had to illustrate installation details.
  8. Detailed articles on marketing your sign shop and managing the business side

    As someone who does zero marketing, I'm always interested in learning something new. thanks!
  9. Shop Layout - Not sure where to post for best response

    Two and a half years ago this was my floor plan and it's accurate other than adding the sewing machine, laser table, and embroidery machine. It's pretty snug now.
  10. HDU letters & Barnboard hanging sign

    Very, very nice and really fits the building well. Nice dimensional work Bill.
  11. Office entry sign

    Nice looking job! I'm dying to try something like that myself. thanks for the inspiration!
  12. CorelDRAW X7 fountain fill problem

    I quit upgrading at X6 and that was only for the 64bit upgrade. Unless newer versions can print acceptable counterfeit money, it's all I need to design a sign.
  13. Crane from sign company falls over and crushes car

    Must have slipped on the black ice :)
  14. Custom cut .063 aluminum

    Bill I can't help with a source but I just bought a shear just for the very same reason you suggested. To keep it in house and cheaper than running my router table.
  15. Advice and Help Starting Sign Shop?

    No risk, then no reward. Forty years ago I was told that I wouldn't make it in the sign business because I had no proper training or education. I'm still getting edumacated.
  16. First National Bank

    Does anyone recognize this font? I'm certain I had it at one time but can't find it on my computer...
  17. Stuff you've found while installing

    Myself and a helper were up on ladders removing an old plywood sign from a barn like building. Just as soon as we pried the bottom of the sign loose of the building, about two hundred bats came rushing out at us. Hit us in the face and tangled in our hair. It was all I could do to not fall...
  18. 18" by 9" Car Door Magnets

    Twenty two years ago I moved to Florida from New York and was told by every sign shop in Florida that it was impossible to get my N.Y. prices in Florida, and that everyone down here was cheap. Well I'm still here and I'm a hell of a lot more expensive than the competition. You get what you ask...
  19. 18" by 9" Car Door Magnets

    I'm just happy I don't let my competition set my prices...
  20. Collecting Final Payment

    I just added one to mine drafted by our attorney. They sign it then you can take it back whether attached to real property or not. If they object and won't sign, I won't do their work. As for collecting balance. Invoice states due on completion. If it's a long standing client on net 30, I don't...