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Search results

  1. Larger targets when creating ICC profile

    Is there a way to make the target swatches larger when creating a new ICC profile? I've done so many profiles over the years but these tiny quarter inch swatches are just too small to get accurately or efficiently. Sometimes I have to scan a line 10-20-30 or more times before I get the right...
  2. Can VSi not print "good" red?

    I should note that I am running through Flexi on both machines using their standard Red so comparison is the same. When I couldn't get the colors to print properly I did try running through VW but I always have the similar results so just decided to stick with the Flexi rip since that's what I...
  3. Can VSi not print "good" red?

    That was a disappointment. Decided to sit down and re-profile the printer and when I got to the ink limit test print I was seeing all kinds of cyan deflection around the edges on some of the prints. My test prints look fine and so does any other printing I'm doing regularly. Ignored it and...
  4. Can VSi not print "good" red?

    Makes total sense to me. I just assumed when upping the ink on a current profile it would do just that, and actually up the ink above what the profile was set at. I trust what you are saying and I'm not skeptical on that. I'm just skeptical because I found all kinds of canned profiles that...
  5. Can VSi not print "good" red?

    Interesting as that may have been my problem before when trying to up my limits AFTER I had created the profile. Sure would be nice if I could up my limit on magenta in my existing profile but I suppose that would throw off all my colors if I didn't re-profile. Though you'd think the software...
  6. Can VSi not print "good" red?

    As mentioned, it's been a while since I did this but I recall upping the magenta but didn't seem do anything I could see. Maybe I need to try and update my profile. All I know is my SP produced deeper reds even when using a canned profiles than what this custom profile does on my VSi. I tried...
  7. Can VSi not print "good" red?

    I don't recall them being off. It's been a while since I did the profile but I do remember messing with those setting but if I remember correctly it seemed that no matter how far off I adjusted things the color remain the same. It was like the default profile was taking over even if I hard...
  8. Can VSi not print "good" red?

    I certainly appreciate the input but those are actually the videos I was referring to when I stated I tried the recommended tweaks. For example: when I print the color chart through Flexi that has all the similar colors around the original color for you to pick the one you want, none look any...
  9. Can VSi not print "good" red?

    Curious to know about this...though I don't think it would work in my case as I still need my Flexi red to print the same when using my SP. Unless I am misunderstanding how this works.
  10. Can VSi not print "good" red?

    When I stated "custom profiles" I meant that. Both machines are profiled using an i1 pro. I've been printing with Flexi/Roland for 10+ years so I understand the need for something more than a canned profile. Just the VSi doesn't print the deep red that my SP does even after doing all these...
  11. Can VSi not print "good" red?

    So I've had my VSi for about 9 months now and it still bothers me that the red looks more washed out/orange than my SP. Both rip/print through Flexi (Cloud) using custom profiles. Pretty much all the stock swatch colors in Flexi print identical but the red. I've tried all the little tricks...
  12. Need Help Flexi fill plot issue

    Not sure I fully understand but if I do, I think you need to "uncompound" the parts of the letters you want filled in. Compound just those parts and fill them in the color you want. You will also need to compound the outline and inline around the letters so it doesn't fill in holes in the letters.
  13. BN-20 Oralite 5650RA

    That is odd. Not sure what is different on the BN-20 compared to the Rolands we use (SP and VSi) but we print on 5600 all the time without any issues. Even crop marks read fine on it.
  14. Need Help Display Glitch Flexi 12

    I don't see this very often but have seen it before (though on this new system I'm running 128GB of RAM so I think that helps). Some files Flexi simply does not like so you have to deal with glitches like these occasionally. If you start seeing the issue a lot I would suggest updating (if that...
  15. What are you telling customers about shipping delays?

    Yeah I have had the display up during checkout since like April. Noting that no carriers are guaranteeing delivery times. Recently nade Priority the first option by default with First Class being moved to second along with noting First Class could take 20+ days. But even with Priority I am...
  16. What are you telling customers about shipping delays?

    So the shipping industry is crazy right now as most of you know. It was bad for almost the entire year thanks to Covid, then the election (for USPS anyway) and now the holiday rush. Every day I am dealing with customers complaining about not getting there packages fast enough (as they should...
  17. Help me cut thick stuff

    Substance is the stuff I had a hard time with as well but got it done doing a double cut. Took some trial and error on what the force needed to be but it was almost maxed out force on both cuts if I recall.
  18. Help me cut thick stuff

    I hate cutting that thick stuff but people do it so if you do it enough you can get it dialed in. Make sure enough blade is sticking out for 1. 60 degree blade needs to be used for something so thick (maybe even a larger angle if available). One of my machines wouldn't even cut thick stuff...
  19. Weird cut line/circle issue with v19

    I actually am subscription so don't buy into going to that will fix things with them.
  20. Weird cut line/circle issue with v19

    So I have seen this a lot since upgrading to v19 over a year ago. Open an old (v12 or older) file that is circular in shape with a cut line and it will make some odd loop on the edge somewhere (see arrow pointing to the loop). Then when you click on the object it makes the object have some...