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Search results

  1. Premium Customers

    Premium customer is another way to say "PITA" customer. Unless he's making up 10% or more of your business, don't bend over backwards for him. That old saying, "money talks, BS walks" is pretty applicable here. We have a couple of customers that get preferential treatment, but they're spending...
  2. Here is a great tip for you guys

    There's not enough tinfoil for all you weirdos. I hate to tell y'all this, but the government isn't tracking your every move (unless you're on some kind of watch list) and could probably care less what Joe Schmo sign installer is doing on a Tuesday afternoon. Amazon, on the other hand, is...
  3. Looking for a "good" X-Acto knife?

    I've had to explain this to the same guy like five times. I'm about ready to shove one up his rump.
  4. Help me get organized!

    A good production manager is an amazing asset. A bad one can sour an owner/president/CEO (whatever) on the position forever. Always look for employees that are good at organizing their own work flow, get things done in a timely and efficient manner, and have a good relationship with other...
  5. Looking for a "good" X-Acto knife?

    Absolutely not. The appropriate workflow is to leave it sitting on the table uncapped so you can rest your forearm on it and cut yourself.
  6. Discussion Hammer Drill & Bits

    It happens to the best of us. ;)
  7. Discussion Hammer Drill & Bits

    150 holes is a lot more than I thought you were going to say. That's actually pretty impressive. I've burned up a Makita battery drill and a DeWalt in the past year, both brand new out of the box. The Makita barely made it two months. Full disclosure though, we've got two other Makitas and a...
  8. Discussion Hammer Drill & Bits

    How long will a charge last? On a side note, I'll never invest in another tool that isn't Festool. I'd rather pay the extra 20% and know that it's not gonna burn up in a year (or less).
  9. Question Does this happen to you?

    Only happens to us when we leave the media loaded for extended periods (more than a couple hours) without printing. Unloading the media is the only thing that we've found to prevent it. =/
  10. Rowmark Adhesive Failure?

    We usually buy it with the adhesive already applied, but this makes sense and could explain why we're having issues with several sheets. Thanks!
  11. Rowmark Adhesive Failure?

    That's exactly what's happening here. Any idea what caused your failure? Just time and moisture? This was only up a few days before this happened.
  12. Banner tape

    Some serious thread necromancy here.
  13. Rowmark Adhesive Failure?

    Anybody having issues with Rowmark lately? I'm not sure if it's the adhesive or what, but on four different pieces of acrylic faced with Rowmark, the Rowmark has developed "bubbles" in the surface of the material. Most the time it's just one or two spots, but one piece looked like it was hail...
  14. second surface print acrylic installation

    This would still make me a little nervous, but it's definitely a better idea than straight half inch acrylic! I was also thinking about edge clips that are often used for glass installations. Those might work and are less obvious than standoffs.
  15. second surface print acrylic installation

    Don't do it. A half inch 4' x 4' piece of acrylic is extremely heavy, coupled with a second surface print is just asking for disaster. If they insist, walk away. You don't want that kind of liability. A piece of acrylic that big could kill somebody. I can't think of any fasteners off the top of...
  16. Question channel letter fabrication basic license requirements

    It's a catch-22. You get it, you'll never have a need for it. You don't get it, your first customer will want it. ;)
  17. Question channel letter fabrication basic license requirements

    Most local and independently owned businesses aren't going to require UL certification. This generally only becomes a concern when you're dealing with larger companies and corporations OR if you're planning on wholesaling and even then, not everyone is going to require UL certification. Safety...
  18. how to roll premasked frosted vinyl

    Any application tape is going to create tunnels and bubbles if you roll it inwards. Always roll application tape to the outside if you have to. Even then, no guarantee you're not going to get some issues here and there. If you can, store flat, transport flat, ship flat.
  19. 3mm ACM Sign Stake

    Gotta agree here. They're probably not going to reuse these many times, if at all. I'd go coro all day.