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Search results

  1. Removing used Liner from take up roll

    I've always just unrolled it before the liner take up gets too full (like after every job) when I didn't have the option of just chucking the whole liner take up roll (thanks, KALA laminators!).
  2. Sign Shop Meme

    I have to admit, if he (SqueeGee) does, he's a better man than me. If someone spoke about my wife like that, even unwittingly, and didn't immediately follow up with an apology... Well, that's grounds for an ass-whoopin' in these parts.
  3. Paint mask fiasco

    You're painting, masking, routing, painting? In that order? Why not route, mask, paint, remove mask, paint?
  4. Some memes I created

    Oh, because apparently anything goes on "Entertainment, Humor and Spoofs" [sic]. You can be a racist, moronic, idiot with no repercussions. My guess is that boundaries are going to be tested and the limits are going to be pushed. Can't imagine what could POSSIBLY go wrong with this new policy.
  5. Need Help Golf course sign materials

    I'm not sure where the OP is, but around here (southeast US) the sun is BRUTAL, it gets super hot and humid. 10 year vinyl doesn't last 10 years. Especially if it's an area where it gets beat on by the sun all day long. Three year vinyl around here is one to three years.
  6. employee benefits

    Not all franchises offer benefits, FYI. [Edit: That was not to dissuade you from getting insurance for your employees, that's a HUGE benefit for your company AND anyone working for you and can go a long way towards keeping good employees.]
  7. Need Help Golf course sign materials

    Even then he's still only going to get a couple years out of the signs due to exposure. You could always avoid printing anything and use cut Rowmark (or similar) letters to create a raised surface on white 080. Even that's not going to be permanent. There really isn't a "cheap" permanent option.
  8. Need Help Golf course sign materials

    If he doesn't want to follow your suggestions, which I think are absolutely reasonable for signs going on a golf course, he can kick rocks! They're going to be exposed to the elements 24/7 with people hitting golf balls at them all day. If he pinches pennies now, he's going to end up spending a...
  9. Looking for critiques of this sign frame

    To stay on topic, I would have just gone with a straight painted wooden frame, no bells and whistles. No sense in trying to pass an inexpensive sign off as anything but an inexpensive sign (there's nothing wrong with that). It looks like it's in an area that's still being developed, so that...
  10. Weather Threshold for Installs

    You're crazy! I won't get up on a ladder if it's totally calm. Haha!
  11. 5 post limit per day

    True. With enough money you can hire people to do all the thinking for you.
  12. Weather Threshold for Installs

    We'll generally do installs in a light drizzle as long as it isn't too cold.
  13. Signs In Video Games 1 - LA Noire

    I haven't had a console since a 360, but I try to squeeze in some time here and there on the PC. Usually I'm too tired by the time everybody else is in bed to do anything. I've got about four years of TV shows and video games to catch up on. Haha! And money! Paying nearly $15k a year for...
  14. Signs In Video Games 1 - LA Noire

    How do you find time to play games?! Haha! Between work and kids I'm lucky to have five minutes. I can't even poop in peace with toddlers in the house. I will say that I also notice signs in games (when I have time to play).
  15. Stacked Cabinets

    Better safe than sorry!
  16. 5 post limit per day

    All of the "trade secrets" are available online anyway. You could conceivably open a shop and learn almost everything you need to know through the internet within a few weeks. Including a lot of the trial and error things we've learned over the years. We're not Freemasons protecting the last...
  17. Printing eco solvent Wall mural in my son's bedroom. Need Advice

    It was just white cut vinyl. There was some left over at work. Haha! It would be pretty easy to do green and brown though. Just cut both, make registration marks to line them up and then either apply one, then the other OR put them together on the same release liner and apply it all at once...
  18. Printing eco solvent Wall mural in my son's bedroom. Need Advice

    I'm not "scared" of vinyl and ink or else I wouldn't be working in the print industry. Do I want to limit the amount of potentially harmful chemicals my children come into contact with? Yes, that's my job as a parent: to limit the amount of damage inflicted on my children until I can get rid of...
  19. 5 post limit per day

    Just make sure you don't bite all the way through.
  20. 5 post limit per day

    Thanks for proving my point. This was relatively civil.