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$40 minimum and I only deviate for good customers. I recently changed a 6" number on two signs for a very good, long term customer (real estate sign) at my convenience. When she asked for a bill I said "no charge"..... she handed me 2 $20's.
To get what I need or want I will pay more to buy local. I have two hardware stores, one ACE and the other True Value both locally owned and give service and products and nice people that talk WITH you not TO you. They have a lot of stuff I try to get before I go to a "Big Box" store.
Re: another site giving them away
Originally Posted by Jackpine
http://www.fontsner.com/download/37101.html this site is still active...
Remove the mask when the paint is tacky. Use a quill and letter inside the stencil without getting too much on the stencil. Gerber stencil has always worked well for me.
Jill maybe it is Oramask by Oracal I use. I know it's blue. I cut mask for an airbrush guy that custom paints motorcycles.
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