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Search results

  1. "classy" A-frames

    Order a wooden chalkboard A-frame, remove the chalkboard, put your sign in. Mark it up and sell it!
  2. Artic Gbc Laminator Problem

    So it all works when you bypass the on/off switch for the laminator? Maybe the on/off switch is bad? You have an ohmmeter? That's my only guess at this point.
  3. Cutting Through Scrim?

    ZP totally worked. Thanks a bunch!
  4. Cutting Through Scrim?

    I'll give the ZP a shot! It cuts through almost the entire way, but leaves the scrim in a few places. I'm at 0.381mm and ~1,000mm/s. I can probably go a bit deeper if I need to, but I'm cutting at almost twice the thickness of the material as it is. I don't want to get too crazy! Thanks for...
  5. Cutting Through Scrim?

    Yes, have adjusted the depth quite a bit. There are just some bits of scrim that don't seem to want to completely cut. I'm using the ZS module right now. Should I be using the ZP?
  6. Cutting Through Scrim?

    Having a heck of a time cutting through banner scrim on a Zund G3 3XL-1600 using a UCT with a Z10 blade. Anybody have any tricks or tips to get through the vinyl and the scrim in one pass? At this point, I'd even be okay with doing a second pass. It's not causing any big problems as the scrim...
  7. Terms Of Account

    Net 30 is pretty standard and you can easily find information by Googling "net 30 terms" as Oroscoe mentioned. I wouldn't extend more than net 30 unless a very large client required it and you have the means to pay your bills for three months while waiting to get paid.
  8. Artic Gbc Laminator Problem

    No problem! Good luck!
  9. 2 Recent Projects

    Short of putting studs into the bricks, not sure how you'd accomplish that. Maybe clear acrylic rods or a similar material so it's not as obvious? Just spit ballin'. Looks great, by the way. How much total labor did you have in the Stillpoint sign?
  10. Artic Gbc Laminator Problem

    Left side (away from the panel) should be red all the time. That side is projecting the beam to the eye on the other side. When you break the beam, the right side (panel side) light should turn off. If that is what's happening, it sounds like the safety sensors are actually working as intended...
  11. Artic Gbc Laminator Problem

    There's NO movement at all? Or only movement when you hold the button or pedal down? It sounds like your safety sensor is either blocked or possibly bad. Make sure someone didn't accidentally put tape or something over one of the sensor "eyes". If all of your sensors are clear and unobstructed...
  12. HP latex flatbed printer!?

    I've never operated a latex printer, but my understanding is that they only get up to about 190-200 degrees (F). Coroplast melts at around 300 (if I remember correctly) degrees. Unless you have your heat source parked over one area of the media for an extended amount of time, I can't imagine...
  13. Prepping with isopropyl before printing

    91% IPA on poly wipes. No streaks. It might go without saying, but never, ever, ever use IPA on acrylic.
  14. SwissQ Oryx?

    If you're outsourcing $500k a year, almost anything you get is going to pay for itself within a year. The swissQprint is my dream printer and we're looking at an Impala 2 at the moment, so I've talked to several people who've run them. From everything I've heard, they're amazing. One guy told me...
  15. I am Amazed...Daily.

    It's a little bit of both. There are both software and websites that can help ID fonts, but they're not perfect. That's when knowing what you're looking for/at helps.
  16. Anybody recognize this font?

    After some discussion, the font got changed, so it's moot now. Still not sure what font it is. Haha!
  17. Material for Wooden Bat Decals

    The honest-to-goodness Louisville sluggers do actually use a hot brand.
  18. Material for Wooden Bat Decals

    Or engraving.
  19. Printing on cork?

    We've printed on cork several times on our flatbed. It's been a while, but I don't think we didn't anything especially out of the ordinary to get it to work. No real issues.
  20. Choosing a specific Pantone

    Yes, I read all of the posts in the thread located in the F L E X I forum. I was responding to the folks who commented that Illustrator was clumsy at choosing Pantones. No need to go all Bob on everybody.