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Search results

  1. Font ID.....

    for "painting" please....I know it's a system font.
  2. Windows folders......

    Let's say I have 100 folders. I want to take all of the files from them, extract them and merge into a common folder. Como?
  3. perimeter measuring MACRO help.......

    I've installed and ran the MACRO......can't figure out how to link it to a command button on the MACRO toolbar. :rolleyes:
  4. I've had an epiphany....

    I've suddenly realized that with my negative comments towards "newbies" who decide to "jump in feet first" and start a sign shop or those that want to "save money" by doing their own graphics, I am potentially harming those merchants here who would benefit from sales by scaring away these folks...
  5. DELL VOSTRO 1500 notebook partition.....

    I'm very pleased with Acronis Disc Director....I tried to partion the HD and saw that I have a hidden FAT32 partition allocated as a "memdump"... after I split the main C: drive I got an error....suspect it's from the existing partion....what is that preinstalled "memdump"? :thankyou:
  6. partition question.....

    maybe simple...but I never had to do it before. If I split my drive after I have Windows installed...can I just install Windows on the other side OR do I have to do it through the initial format blue screen?????? Thank you Techman!!!!!!
  7. Weed Whacker....

    In a nutshell...I'm producing artwork from a watercolor drawing of a patented product that attaches to the end of a gas-powered weed whacker... I'd rather spend the time drawing the technical illustration of the attachment because the weed whacker is unimportant.....a technical drawing on a...
  8. typography lesson....

  9. GO....MITT...GO...you handsome devil!!!!

    8:00PM....it's early...but it goes to show polls are garbage!!!!!!!
  10. GOOGLE search for logos...Kwik Fill/Red Apple

    There was a thread a long time ago about a better way to refine your search to obtain a corporate logo....I have a customer which is notoriously difficult when it comes to obtaining production files. Maybe that makes sense to someone. :thankyou::thumb: Kwik Fill/Red Apple
  11. Type is Sexy!!!

  12. Excellent photo enhancement

  13. Clusty

    This search engine blows away google. www.clusty.com It can be added to the google searchbar in Firefox......... http://mycroft.mozdev.org/
  14. RAM addition...

    I can't process this at the moment. This is the RAM configuration of one of the office computers at work. The crucial.com scan recommends adding a stick of 1G DDR PC3200. I can't just stick that in the empty slot??!!! Wouldn't I have to place it in the first slot and rearrange? :Cool 2:
  15. CORELDraw X4 is here!!!!!!

    yippee yahoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Is it necessary? Who knows...my boss will pay for anything I need. Hopefully today I can play! Explore these Top 10 Reasons to Upgrade * New CorelDRAW® ConceptShare™ lets colleagues and clients collaborate online with you about designs and ideas...
  16. Firefox and stubleupon window resizing....

    it gets quite annoying and after this is done...you'll notice the difference. tools/options/content click the "advanced" tab to the right of "enable java script" UNCHECK "move or resize existing windows"
  17. FIREFOX: no dual monitor?? no problem....

    Perfect you your notebook. If you frequently have two instances of Firefox open working back and forth between them cutting and pasting text or whatever...... as an accompanyment to the "Stylish" add on....you'll find "split window". Pretty sweet....you can split as often as your RAM will allow.
  18. Hack your WIFI

    :thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb: http://www.viddler.com/explore/babblin5/videos/7/
  19. FREE fonts for the masses

  20. Customize Firefox......

    with the STYLISH add on. Allows you to customize web pages amongst other groovey tasks. Take the time to explore. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/2108